Chapter Twenty-Eight: Surprises

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*Important Fandom Opinion Author Note* (you can skip if you want)

Hey guys. So you've all heard about the Zouis feud. I'm simply speechless. We don't know what REALLY happened beetween these two and Naughty Boy behind closed doors, but let me tell you something: I'm disappointed. That Zayn and Louis' beautiful bond is wrecked over a simple Twitter feud. Personally, I REALLY don't like Naughty Boy but still, he's the one that started bitching at us the first time Louis slayed him, and he DARED starting a new fight by indirecting Liam with his "Oh look at this, Zayn left and he's with me!!11!" pic. And Louis just wanted to protect us, like last time. Zayn wasn't even MENTIONNED in the damn convo, and he bitched at Louis.

I love Zayn very much, and I'd never turn him and down, despite that all the fandom is pissed at him, but let me tell you something, at all the ex Zayn girls: do you really think he faked being the amazing person he is all those years?! Do you really actually think he gives no fucks about us?! If you do, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU. I've seen the hate directed at Zayn, and most of the times, it's girls who always protected Zayn when he was the victim of racism and hate back and the days he was in the band, and these same girls say they hate him and they lost respect for him and he's a faker after that, AND NEXT THING YOU KNOW after what happened... they trend a love hashtag on Twitter.

Fucking hypocrites.

Anyway, it's been hard for me to keep on including Zayn as member of the band in my story after what happened, but hey, it's a story, right? Zayn may not be in the band irl, but we can still have an imagination, yeah?

So back at the point, I just wanted to share my thoughts with you. I'll NEVER stop including Zayn in my fics, no matter what happens. Not just because Zayn has a very important part in this story (even before he left the band), but because of this: 1D may be 4/4 right now, but in my heart, it's always gonna be 5/5.

And nothing will change that.

Enjoy the chapter xx


Third Person

The next day...

Zayn didn't sleep for days. He need to though, because the USA part of the tour has started. But he couldn't sleep. For the simple and only reason that his cousin Aaliyah has been kidnapped.

He felt scared and insecure. It was starting again. All of this was starting again. He didn't want to. But he couldn't do anything about it. Nobody can know. But they will enventually know.


He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Louis calling his name.

"Your cousin's on TV! She's been found!!!"

"WHAT? REALLY!!", he stood up quickly and went to the TV on the tour bus.

"It just started.", Niall said as all the other guys were watching.

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