Chapter Sixteen: Shopping Day With My... New Friend?

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Hi people :) It has been a while since I updated... as you can know, A FEW DAYS AGO IT WAS LIAM'S BIRTHDAY (OMG 21 ALREADY HE GROWS UP SO FAAAAST!!! ;_; )

But back to me, these times, I'm sometimes stucked in blanks while writing, I don't know what's wrong with me, but I enjoy writing stories for you guys

So, I might update from times to times (well as usual) but I'm gonna put a lot of time and energy on my scholastic success (beause not moving my lazy ass almost made me fail history class), so I'll update when I have the time and inspiration :)

Speaking about inspiration... the plot of the book is already all imagined in my head (even though sometimes I'll need some of your help for it to make sense ;) ) so the story of Rose, our boys and Division will be A BOOK SERIES :D

I have a lot of ideas and I'm so thrilled and I'm sure you'll like it :P

But for the moment, here's today's chapter XD

Enjoy the reading xx

PS: I changed Rose's identity to 'Katherine' because 'Mary-Katherine' was too long and boring to write :P


Rose P.O.V.

"No... please no... NO. AHHHHH!!"

I woke up in a start, sitting automatically in my bed. I inhaled and exhaled deeply, hoping not have to use my asthma pump. Luckily for me, I took my breath back, slowly, but surely. I looked around me. My memory reconized the darn motel room I was sleeping in. I sighed as I crashed my head on my pillow and closed my eyes, breathing in and out slowly.

I had another damn nightmare. I dreamt about the same blonde girl that is supposed to be my little sister Camellia being killed again. Fucking nightmares. They will never stop, I swear!

I closed my eyes as I touched the gun I placed under the matress. It made me feel safe as I fell back asleep.


The next morning...

I woke up by the sound of the alarm I set on my phone. I groaned as I sat in the bed and rubbed my tired eyes.

I looked at the hour: 9 o' clock.

Perfect. I need to meet Eleanor at 10, at the lads' house.

I got off the bed and took some clothes off my lugages. I went into the shower. But this time, I won't sit to think, even though I should. A lot is on my mind, right now.

Eleanor, the boys, Division, Nikita, the tag killer thing, Camellia... and that's just a part!

I sighed as I rinced myself off the soap. Sometimes, I wish I wasn't an assassin. I wish I was NORMAL, that my family was still alive and that none of this Division shit ever happened. Sometimes, I'm asking myself what my life would've looked like if Division would have never killed my family.

I shook the thoughts out of my mind and turned the water off. I got out the shower, rubbed the water out of myself with a towel, put my underwears/bra on and dressed into the first things I've found: a white long-sleeved shirt, black jeans, a brown leather coat and a blue scarf with pink flowers. Nikita bought it and thought 'it would be cute on me'.

Honestly, I don't give a shit of what I was wearing. I'm not one of those girls who are bragging because they have the last tendance clothes. I wear what I wear, and if you're not happy about it, get your head off your ass, and shove your bimbo pieces of tissues (who are ashamed to be called clothes) in it instead.

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