Chapter Nine: Life As An Assassin

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The next day...

Rose P.O.V.

"Uhhh... I shouldn't have drank!", I groaned, grabbing my head (faking).

"Yeah, you'll think twice next time...", Sergeant Grogan said while taking my hand and pressing my thumb into the ink, and pressing it back on a paper to have my ''''prints'''' (you'll understand later...)

"Ughhhh I'm so sorry!", I whined, grabbing my head in a realistic desesperate way.

Since Henderson's kill yesterday, a lot of people were rushing in/out of the building, offices and cells.

Nikita (disguised with makeup, hair extensions and sunglasses; she was unreconizable) entered the office at that moment: "Hello, sir."

"Hi, Mrs. Wright!", chief Grogan saluted Nikita, known as 'Christina Wright'.

"What is going on, outside?", she asked, faking ignorance.

"Oh, nothing, don't worry..."

"I got woken up by a loud noise tonight...", I said.

"UH?", Nikita asked. "Seriously, what's going on?!", Nikita faked to be worried.

Grogan sighed: "Yesterday night, one of our prisoners got... shot."

"WHAT?! Are you telling me my daughter slept in the same jail as A KILLER?!"

"Miss, calm down... we are working on it, you don't need to worry..."

"Yeah, mom, see, I'm still alive... well, I think, because I feel dead!", I grabbed my head.

"It's okay, now, you can go...", Grogan got some papers out.

"Really?", I asked.

"Yes, I just need your's and your mother's signature..."

Nikita and I both signed some random paper shits (not with our real writing, of course).

"Good. Now, wait in 10 days until the judge calls you. I'm sorry, but it will cost a lot..."

"Yeah...", Nikita looked at me, faking to hide anger. I acted by looking down.

"On that, have a good day, ladies..."

"Thank you for everything, officer... thanks for keeping my little sweetheart safe...", Nikita grabbed my head and hugged it.

"Mooooooooom...", I groaned.

"It's all natural. And... I hope I won't see your daughter until a long time... she is so young!"

"I'll keep her away from trouble, don't worry... thank you, have a good day."

"Bye, Miss Wright."

On that, Nikita and I left the office, being sure to not look at the cameras. Nikita had sunglasses and my wig's hair were all over my face.

We were good, so we went toward the exit.

At the moment we quited, I saw some FBI agent, officer or I don't know walking up the stairs Nikita and I were getting down, and he was followed by a LOT of reporters and journalists.

At this moment, I heard those words from the guy:

"Nobody in, nobody out..."

PHEW, I was borderline!

When Nikita and I were away from the building to go in our car, I took the skin imitation gloves out of my hands (yep, I put some thin skin gloves so those idiots won't have my real prints, neither on the gun I used to kill that shitbird Henderson, neither on their paper with the ink. Hehe, genius move, don't you think?) and let them fall on the ground.

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