Chapter Forty-Nine: Hitting The Fan

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Rose P.O.V

I climbed the long staircase up Nikita's loft. When I came back yesterday, she looked under the shock. She seemed surprised to see me here, but she wasn't talking. When I asked her what was wrong, she just hugged me. I hugged her back, clearly confused, and she just laied on the bed. She seemed tired. She surely went on a solo mission. Everytime I asked her what was going on with her, she didn't answer and turned her back on me. So I had decided to leave her space, because she always did when I was a kid to calm down from my own traumatic experiences.

Today, I hoped she was doing better. When I approached the stairs, I heard whispers and laughs. I frowned. Nikita brought someone here?! We both agreed when I was 12 to never bring people in the HQ!!

I entered and I dropped my bag when I saw a naked man over Nikita: "What the FUCK?!?!"

The man and Nikita flinched in surprise and I pointed my gun at him who stood up and did the same. Fortunately, he and Nikita were wearing their underwear.

"Rose? What are you doing here?", Nikita asked, startled.

"Uhh, I don't know, maybe I live here since Division went through my apartment and you were gone to who knows where? And who the hell is this guy?!"

Nikita sighed, and did the presentations: "Michael, Rose. Rose, Michael."

"Michael? Like the Michael Bishop?? You let a Division agent in your HQ AND in your pants at the same time? Are you out of your mind??"

"He's on our side now. Please Rose, Michael... put your guns down."

Michael and I still held eachother at gunpoint.

"Guys, I'm serious! Put your damn guns down!!!"

After a while, Michael put his hands in the air and put his gun away, and I did the same.

"Okay... you owe me a hell of an explanation! But before, please, put some goddamn clothes on, both of you! I just ate breakfast...", I said.

Nikita put on a grey dress and Michael was dressing up while Nikita started to explain.

"Michael got into my apartment 6 days ago. He... threathened me to help him find the man who killed his family, or he would show a picture he had of you to Percy."

"And you still let him fuck you after that?!"

"Let me finish! I found the man in Russia, so that's where I went... and there, we discovered from Kasim, the man who killed Michael's wife and kid..."

"-- that Percy was behind it.", Michael said.

"It took you this long to realize Percy was a two-faced bastard?", I said in a monotone voice.

"Rose!!!", Nikita yelled.

"What? He still murdered my family, remember? Anyway, can I know how you got that picture of me? From a double agent, right?"

Michael nodded.

"Gosh, I am a living boss!", I said saracastically.

"Rose, I really am on your side!", Michael said.

"Okay, I just went here to see if Nikita was okay and to make my luggages...", I said, taking some clothes who were laying around. Yeah, Nikita and I aren't the most organized ones if you speak of clothes...

"You're going somewhere?", Nikita asked.

"Yeah, join Eleanor in Philadelphia. Harry and the boys will come soon for their tour... I need... to talk to him. I'll tell him my secret."

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