Chapter Ten: Your Past Always Resurface

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*Author Note*


Sorry for posting that late, I really had NO IDEA WHAT THE HELL TO WRITE. Seriously, everything was mixed up in my brain, and I was digging into it the whole time to write something that makes sense!

Anyway, I'm back! x)

I seriously hope you will like it!

Here's a character from the original series, but who is back in my fanfic: Gary, Nikita's abusive foster father, played by David Ferry -------------->

Enjoy this chapter!


PS: Some dialogues of the original series (the Pilot) were put in there (parts where Gary is in), but I've changed them and added more words, and even split them through the characters, so I don't wanna be called a plagiarist OKAY?!


Anyway, good reading.


Third Person

Flashback, back in 2007

Nikita was sleeping. Well, trying to.

Since she has saved Celia-Rose in the streets, about to be abused by gangsters, she felt a little more... relieved.

That this child on the run was finally in a safe place.

She closed her eyes and sighed.

She was thinking about a lot of things.

Her adoptive family. Division. Her first kills.

Daniel. The man of her dreams that Division took away from her.

Nikita didn't know what went wrong. She was near to finally, for once in her life, live a normal existence, to stop running. But Divsion killed him.

And they were going to pay.

But she felt a lof guilty for Celia-Rose. That poor child lived horrible things at a young age, and seeing her lose caring and life joy was worrying Nikita.

She was filled with revenge and dark negative things at only 10. What will it be, when she'll be a grown woman?

Nikita wasn't sure about training her. But that's what Celia-Rose, or Rose, her new identity that she wanted to be called, wanted to.

And anyway. Both has lost their reasons to live. So, what now?

The training has started since a few that Nikita remarked that Celia-Rose had a tiny problem to take her breath back. The child was saying it was 'nothing' but Nikita knew well what was wrong. And the fact that Rose wasn't trusting her enough to tell her was heart-breaking.

Speaking of it...

Suddenly, Nikita heard weird sounds. She frowned, and sat in her bed. It was breathing sounds. Loud and heavy ones.

It was Rose, for sure. Something was wrong.

Nikita rose up and walked to the guest room, to see the little Celia-Rose Cooper, now Rose Mears, whimpering, shaking and flinching in her sleep.

She was having difficulty to breathe.

Nikita rushed to her bed. She needed to wake her up.

She kneeled and shook the girl's shoulder: "Rose!"

Rose's Promise (One Direction/Nikita Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now