Chapter Fifty-One: Face To Face

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Third Person

Nikita came back from her grocery shopping. When she had entered her loft, she dropped her bags at the shock. Her loft was a real mess. Her couch and bed has been flipped over, her curtains rippen, a table broken in two halves. Nikita got her gun out and did a check of the perimeter: "Rose? Are you here? Rose?"

She stepped on something and she frowned. It was a piece of picture, rippen in half. Taken with a Fuji Instax camera. She took the pieces and sticked them togheter to see properly the picture: Rose and Harry.

Then, Nikita got everything: "Oh, no."


Rose parked her car in the New-Jerseyan forest. She looked in front of her. A field. She rummaged through her bag and took the picture frame out. Just next to the music box and a rose.

She gave it a kiss, before leaving it there and getting out of the car, slamming the door behind her. She put her right foot in front of her, and the other before looking forward in the field.

She was now in Division's territory.

A step closer to her goal. She started to run, hiding herself in the tall grass.


Rose leaned against the wall of a barn, the closest human-built construction near Division's location. Inside, there were two guards guarding the perimeter, talking with another man. She looked in front of her; a black jeep.

"Well, guys, I'm gonna go take the new AK-47's to the HQ, or else Percy will shit bricks...", the man said.

"Yeah, better hurry up, Fred. Or else you'll get cancelled!", an agent joked.

Fred left for the HQ, not doubting the Celia-Rose Cooper was hiding under the car.


Fred had went in the elevator leading to inside Division. He got out of the car, when suddenly, he felt like he wasn't alone.

Before he could do anything, a hand tackled on his mouth and a blade slit his throat. Blood spattered out of his mouth before he fell on the ground, dead.

Two black army boots walked next to his head, who now had a rose tag on the forehead.

Rose took a deep breath before turning a silencer around the tip of her gun barrel. She reminded her plan in her head before getting out by the door and walking around. Division's walls were made out of concrete and metal. It smelt like the inside of a hardware store, added with the odor of gunpowder.

It was night, so Rose knew the recruits were sleeping. She turned her head to meet a guard, before she shot him with her silenced gun.


Percy was turning in circles inside Division. He hasn't slept in days. He was mad. No matter how hard he tried, Celia-Rose Cooper was too cunning for him, and he wouldn't take it.

He pressed on the buttons to look at the cameras. He looked around. Nothing special was happening. Until he saw a dead guard. He stumbled back in surprise and blinked to be sure he wasn't hallucinating. He zoomed on the image and cleared out the pixels: a rose tag.

"Impossible...", he muttered.

He kept looking around. Each time, he found more corpses and more roses. Until he went to a frame where Celia-Rose Cooper looked directly at the camera, doing a little wave with a dark smile before shooting off the camera. Percy, taken by panic, opened his desk's drawer and pressed on a red button.

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