Chapter Thirty-Two: Complications

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Celia-Rose P.O.V

24 hours later...

I was waiting sitting at a table, currently in a café. I wore the prettiest dress I had, a short blue lacy one. I had my hair curled up and I put a bit of makeup on, despite my unexperienced skills. I had to admit I found myself pretty.

For what? My first date with Harry, of course!

I saw him coming, smiling. He wore black skinny jeans with a white shirt and a black blazer over it.

"Hi, Katherine."

I smiled: "Hi."

He gave me a rose: "You look beautiful.", he said with his british accent.

"Thank you, Harry.", I said, smelling the rose.

For moments, we talked and he put his soft hand on top of mine, gently rubbing from times to times. Then, something got unbearable inside. He saw me as Katherine, but I wanted to love me as Celia-Rose Cooper.

"Harry...", I got my hand off under his.

"What?", he asked.

I sighed: "There's... something I need to tell you."

"What is it?"

How could I say this?

"Well... my name... isn't really--"

A loud dull sound made me jump in my seat. I gasped when I saw Harry's mouth starting to bleed, and his eyes fixing me with an empty glare. A hole in his forehead.

He fell dead off the chair. I yelled and tears started to form in my eyes. Another gun cock made me look at his killer who held me at gun point: Percy.

"Don't worry about it. He will be part of the Cooper family reunion. Don't be late...!", he smiled evilly, before pulling the trigger between my eyes.


I gasped, waking up, sitting on an impulse. I looked around; I was in the tour bus. Eleanor sleeping on the couch near me. I rosed up and ran to the bunks, and lifted a curtain, to see Harry sleeping peacefully. His tummy lifting up and down as he breathed slowly in his sleep.

I sighed. Thank God, it was nothing but a nightmare!

It has been a while since I had nightmares. How stupid I was to believe they would ever stop. At least, I didn't need to use my inhaler. I entered the bathroom of the bus, and washed my face over and over with cold water. At the moment I lifted my head, my Mini-Me appeared in the mirror.

"Oh! Jesus Christ, you scared me!", a put a hand on my heart.

"Don't tell me I didn't warn you."


"Kissing Harry was a bad idea, and you know it!"

"Kissing Harry is probably the best thing that has ever happened in my life in years! And besides I know you liked it!"

"What? Not even true!", she crossed her mini child arms.

"Come on, your lips are my lips too, aren't they?", I said with attitude as a matter of fact.

"Uh, well... ugh, that's not the point! By kissing Harry, you became attached to him! In fact, more than you were supposed to be even before the kiss!"

"I, uh... whatever, what's your point?"

"He will expect more of you! Dates, kisses, and one day... SEX. And you know it!"

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