Chapter Thirteen: Tag Killer?

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London, 20 o' clock

Nikita P.O.V

I had no news from Rose. I was dead worried.

After I threathened Birkhoff to shut off the cameras, I maybe realized it wasn't the best idea I've got.

I was on the site of the hotel. There were fewer people that around 18 o' clock, but still, there were some yellow police tape. I just need to know were Rose is. I'm thinking about it. Maybe it wasn't the greatest idea.

I mean, the whole assassin thing-y. I mean... back in the day, when I took Rose under my responsability, I was supposed to bring Rose back to her family.

I said to Pierce I would do my best to find her. And I did, actually. But I never brang her back to him.

Instead, I trained her, to avenge Daniel's death, as the young Celia-Rose's family's, in that category, Coops.

*sigh* I miss him. When I was a field agent, we were a team. We were sharing everything.

I promised Coops that if something happens to him I would take care of his family if I ever escape. But when I did, it was already too late.

Anyway, I did all of that because I was sadden by Daniel's death, as everything in my life was over and that I couldn't bare the thought of more people dying because of me. So, I trained Rose to give me the impression I would do something good with my life, for once.

But I'm scared that this situation would even happen: Rose in danger without me going at her aid.

And it's happening. And I'm not sure if I know what to do.

I just hope that Rose is alive, and fine.

I arrived on site. There were some policemen everywhere. I was wearing a grey long coat, trying to look like a FBI agent.

"Excuse me Miss, what are-"

I cut off the policeman by showing him my false indentity badge: "Patricia Conway. I'm here for investigation."

"We're already on the case-"

I cut him off again: "Well, FBI is on the case too... if you have a problem, go see my boss, but for the moment, I need to do my job!"

He sighed, and let me pass. Fortunately, because I'm not a real FBI agent...

"Thank you.", I said.

I entered the building, and climbed up the stairs, to go to the room where Rose murdered Ludwick.

After a few minutes, I realized that there wasn't anything that would tell me where Rose was. She didn't go in another room, I knew it because I trained her and one of the things I teached her is that when you need to be extracted from the field, you must find a place where you have enough place to 1) run , 2) hide , 3) think fast and 4) escape.

So, she must have gone downstairs.

I got down the stairs.

When I was arrived, I walked in the kitchen, or what remains of it, where there was the most yellow tapes and a big hole, meaning that's where there was the explosion. I entered it and pointed my gun to see if there was anyone.

Fortunately for me, there wasn't. I started to walk around and took pictures.

Then my eyes fell on the garbage chute. Then it clicked. Rose must have passed through it. Now, I just needed to go in the basement to see where she could have get out.

As I was about to get out, my phone vibrated in my pocket.

I took it and opened it. My eyes widened at the screen: 9 missed calls from the same number.

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