Chapter Six: Trouble(d) Girl

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A week later...

Celia-Rose P.O.V

With the time, I was obligated to go back to school. It was a real hell, down there. Not only I would be bullied by Lizzie, or even Damon, but by the whole school.

Hit. Pushed. Laughed at. Humiliated. Insulted.

Judy wasn't bullying me, or helping me. She was only watching. She felt guilty for me, and pityful too, but she wasn't doing anything, scared to live the same.

I wasn't blaming her. I was kind of deserving it.

I couldn't take it. I fell into a kind of depression. I only had dark ideas. The only things I was drawing, was now bloody and dark things.

I was alone. I felt alone. It was horrible.

All I was just thinking about, was to kill. I felt like this. That being happy for me was over. I was filled with rage, loneliness and hatred.

It was all because of Division. If they wouldn't have killed my family, I would have been living with my ALIVE family, living a normal life like anyone, and not being bullied, with sadness in me.

It. Was. All. Their. Fricking. Faults.

One day, while everybody was eating supper, I was just drawing some things.

"Why aren't you eating, Celia?", grandpa asked.

"Because I'm not hungry."

"Honey, you haven't ate since a long time.", Bianca sounded worried.

"Maybe it's because kids at school are mean and cruel by saying I'm fat!"

"Rosie, you need to eat."

"No, I'm busy drawing."

Grandpa looked at me drawing a chopped head with flowers growing inside his chopped neck. A puddle of blood around it.

"Um... it's very... artistic."

Bianca looked at it and gasped, ripping my sheet away.

"Hey!!!", I said.

"It's not artistic, it's sadic! You need to pray more oftly, young lady!"

I sighed, rolling my eyes. I drew something else on another sheet, something...

'Less sadic'

Well, a rose with drops of blood falling off the petals. Was it better?!?!

"Wow. Your roses are beautiful."

Damon used to say this. I gulped: "Thanks.", my voice croaked, trying to not think about the boy who broke my heart and my trust.

"Is that what you want to be? An artist?"

I half-smiled: "Back then, at my home, I used to wanted to be like Xena."

He smiled.

"A warrior princess.", I said. "Lily also wanted to be one. We would have been Lily and Rosie, the warrior princesses."

"Not anymore?"

I shook my head no: "No. I guess I'm not like little normal girls anymore. Barbies and princesses aren't my thing, as they used to be, now."

"Why that?"

I looked at him, and cried a tear: "Because my childhood was ripped away."

He sighed.

"And now...", he continued talking. "What do you want to be?"

I looked at him: "I want to be a killer."

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