Chapter Twenty-Two: Undercover? Under Control.

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Harry P.O.V

I was sleeping like a baby. My duvet was soft against my skin, it gave me a sensation of warmth and it was like sleeping on a cloud.

I was snapped out of my slumber when my cellphone was ringing. I groaned and put my pillow over my head. Who the hell would call at this hour?! It's 3 AM, for Pete's sake!

But if someone calls me at this hour, it must be important... right?

I sighed, taking my cellphone in my hand from my bedside table, slid on "Take the call" and put the phone on my ear: "Hello?", I groggily said.

"Mr. Harry Styles?"

"It's me.", I rubbed my eyes.

"Are you friends with Katherine Brooks?"

I frowned. Katherine? Why would he talk about Katherine? And who is calling me, to start with?

"Uh... yeah. Who is this?"

"I'm the officer Curtis Logan. I'm calling from the London Police Department."

"Wait, where are you going with this?"

"Sir, you friend Katherine Brooks has been arrested."

I sat up adruptly in my bed and almost fell off it: "What???"

He's joking. It's just an immature teenager playing a bad prank call on me! Then, how come he knows Katherine's name?

"She was caught fast driving--"

"That--that's not possible!", I stood up and left my room. "She was right--"

I never finished, because when I opened the door of Eleanor's room where Katherine was supposed to be sleeping in, it was empty. The bed was even all made!!!

I couldn't believe it. Not only Katherine snooped out, but she got arrested?! How???

"Sir, I know it's hard to believe, but I'll ask you to come to the station, please. She has no other respondant than you."

I sighed: "Okay, I'm coming."

Without awaking the others, to not make them freak out about Katherine's disappearance and to let them sleep, I dressed up, picked my keys and drove to the police station.


Rose P.O.V

I was laying on my back on the uncomfortable bench into the police station cell I was locked in. Fixing the ceiling. And freaking out. I just couldn't believe I got arrested!!

It wasn't supposed to happen like this!! Now, Harry will come here at the police station, and I owe him a heck of an explanation!

What was I supposed to say to him?? He didn't even know I snooped out! Now, it was gonna be more difficult to stay with the boys and El if Harry doubts about me. What if he finds out?

NO!!! He will never find out about who I really am!! He can't know, he won't know, and he will NEVER know!!!!

Something to say, something to say... DIG INTO THIS STUPID BRAIN OF YOURS, ROSE!!!

A metallic noise made me snap out of my thoughts. I sat on the bench to see a policewoman opening the door of my cell, next to Curtis Logan, the officer who arrested me... and Harry was behind them.

He looked at me with a total dumbfounded face. Full of confusion and deception.

I looked down, not daring to look into his green eyes again. I still felt them burning on me, watching my weird punk look.

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