Chapter Three: Division

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Nikita P.O.V

I was laid down on my bed, in Division's HQ.

I just couldn't believed they killed Jason. And his whole family. He had kids. I felt extremely guilty, because I was supposed to get them out of there, but Division got him before even had the time to help him.

Sometimes, I was glad to work in Division, because they were killing bad people, but some other times, I just wished they would have let my old junkie self in jail.

I'm exageratting a bit, but they want to stay as secret as possible, and I hate it.

I heard two knocks. Somebody entered my window-less cubic concrete room.


I turned around to see Michael, my mentor: "Yes?"

"Percy wants to see everyone. Without talking. Like, now!"

"Oh. I see."

I got up and followed Michael in the corridor. Other agents from Division were also going to toward the office of our boss, Percy.

His real name was Percival, but he wanted us to call him Percy.

We entered his office. Oh, he sure looked mad.

Once everybody was listening, he took a deep breath: "Hi, fellow Division agents. I'm happy to see you. Well, not ALL of you, to be exact, because there's one of you who is a FUCKING MOLE!"

We all flinch as he punched Birkhoff's coffee cup, making coffee plastered everywhere.

I gulped. He didn't know that I was the mole. I was forced by NSA, who discovered Division's existance, to work with Jason Cooper, or "Coops", to bring Division down. I was chosen because they remarked I was one of the best agents, so they paired me with Coops. I was becoming attached to him. But Division killed him.

I got out my thoughts when I heard Nerd (that's how I'm calling Seymour Birkhoff, our informatician and hacker) complaining: "Hey, that was my coffee!"

Percy took a deep breath: "I'm sorry, excuse myself. But, why am I caring? Why am I caring about the fact that one of you could be giving our secret to "good guys" out there, uh? But that's okay that I don't know yet. Because do you know what happens to moles?"

He showed us a picture on the large screen, making all of us gasp, especially me as I covered my mouth.

Jason. A picture of him, blood everywhere, badly burned. His corpse. It was police pictures. That was horrible to see.

"Yes. Jason Cooper was in fact a mole for NSA. And do you know what he had?"

More pictures. I just wanted to puke as all the others gasped again.

"A family. Ohhh... isn't it sad? That asshole from the NSA should have think twice before accepting this mission and trying to trick us, and do you know why? Because not only he tricked us, PLUS, he had a family. A forbidden rule, don't you think!? It's not our fault, it's his. He put his wife's and daughter's lives in danger. Well, I just wanted to warn you that we don't tolerate moles, here. And that one way or another, we'll find who besides you used to work with that asshole. Got it!?"


He made a smile: "Well, on that, go back to your unite, and sweet dreams!"

Everybody was getting out of the room. As I wanted to go away...


I gasped and turned around: I hoped he didn't demask me!!!

"Stay here. I want to give you a mission."

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