Chapter Fifty-Five: Promise Me

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Harry P.O.V

I was at the hospital. I was walking back and forth. One minute, Celia was fine, the other, she fell, knocked out. I got too worried she could have something serious, so Gemma drove us at the hospital.

I had enter the hospital with her in my arms and they took her right away in the hospital emergency room.

It has been almost an hour and I have no news from her.


I looked at Gemma. She was holding Celia's backpack.

"You should sit.", she said.

"No, I'm better standing."

I took a deep breath. When will I have fucking news?!

"Is this the girl you told me about?"

I nodded and kept walking. I told her about Celia, when I thought she was Katherine, but I fortunately didn't tell her she was named Katherine. It skips me a whole bizarre explanation.

She knew I had break up with her, though.

"You still love her, right?"

I nodded: "Yeah. I just hope she's alright."

"Harry, she fainted. She's 18, it's not like she died of a heart attack!"

"Don't say things like that, please!", I sighed, walking in circles. "I'm so worried!"

"Hey... by all the things you just told me about her, I'm sure she's strong and it takes more than that to go through her."

I hope Gemma was right. Finally, a doctor came to me.

"Mr. Styles?"


"I'm Doctor Jenkins. I'm here to give you news from your friend... Celia Jones?"

Yeah, I didn't want them to know Celia's real identity, so I created her one.

"Yes... how is she?", I was nervous.

He looked into his notes tied to his pad: "Your friend suffered from a vasovagal syncope."

"A what?", Gemma frowned.

"Basically, she got a so big shock she got a sudden hypotension: her blood didn't go successfully to her brain, and it lead to fainting as a defense mechanism."


"We've stabilized her with intravenous fluids . We also cleaned up her wounds. What happened to her? She got one big trauma..."

"She got an accident.", I said, lying to him (come on, I couldn't tell the truth!) "She knocked on my door and she just... fell."

The doctor nodded, and kept writing in his notes.

"Can I see her?", I asked.

"Of course. Follow me."

Gemma and I followed him to a room. I smiled when I saw the girl I loved sleeping delicately on the bed. She had intravenous catheters in her arm, giving her fluids from a tube, and stitches in her face. Despite the horrible things that happened to her, she looked so peaceful, so beautiful.

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