Chapter Forty-Three: At Gunpoint

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Third Person

Percy walked furiously into Division's headquarters.

"Percy, we have some news from Michae-- what happened to you?", Amanda asked, walking next to her boss, who had a huge red bruise over his right eye.


Amanda's eyes widdened: "You saw her?"

"She knocked me out, I can't remember her face correctly.", Percy said, trying to hide his anger as much as possible. "Now have the courtesy to leave me be, I need to be alone."

Amanda stopped walking, looking with confusion and shock Percy locking himself into his office.

At the moment the door closed, Percy got into a mad rage. He threw all the documents on his desk on the ground, threw chairs, and knocked over pieces of furniture.

He took deep breaths, filling the need to calm down.

This girl frustrated him to no end. He had the chance to get her, and she was cunning enough to escape.

"Next time... I promise you... you're gonna regret being born, Celia-Rose Cooper.", Percy spoke darkly to himself.


During that time

London, United Kingdom,

At the boys' house

Judy was next to Niall in his car.

"Don't worry... I'm sure they will like you."

Judy looked into the blue eyes of her boyfriend: "You think?"

"Of course.", he kissed her foreheard, and both went inside the house. Judy looked around. It was neat, greatly decorated, for a boys' house.

"Heyyy, Niall, mate, what's up?"

"Hey, Louis!"

Both man-hugged.

"Louis, this is Amelia. Amelia, Louis."

The ginger smiled: "Hi, Louis."

Minutes later, the girl had met all boys. From the corner of her eye, Judy could see the missing member, her next target: Zayn Malik.

Then Judy remembered being on a mission, thus finding clues about Cooper befriending the boys. It was confirmed by Percy, who had called her that morning, and she needed to find a picture of her.



Judy came back to reality when Niall called her fake identity.

"I didn't present you Eleanor!"


"My girlfriend.", Louis said.

"Hi! I'm Eleanor!", a brunette girl appeared out of nowhere and smiled at her, giving her a hug which Judy was obligated to send back.

She looks nice, she thought. But I hope she won't--

"How about we have a girl's day? You don't mind me stealing your girlfriend, Niall?"

Niall chuckled: "Of course not. You'll bring her back for tonight, right?"

"Of course."

Great, Judy thought, understanding the clues won't be found any time soon.


Judy walked in a shop with Eleanor.

"So, Eleanor... you go here often?", Judy asked.

"Yeah, quite often. This shop's dresses are really beautiful. This is where I bought the bird-print dress I'm wearing right now. Katherine helped me choose it."

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