Chapter Seven: Nikita

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*Auhtor Note*


I hope you're doing fine :)

I am going perfectly fine, because I'm D-O-N-E with this chapter :D Yeaaaah!

Sorry for the wait, btw, I had NO IDEA what to write, but FORTUNATELY, people proposed their help to me :)

So I wanted to thank @love1Directioner and @MyrtheIsAsColdAsIce for your ideas :D

Sorry if some of your ideas aren't used YET, I'll put them in the next chapters.

On that, enjoy! You won't be bored in that chapter ;)



Third Person

Bianca woke up in the morning. She sat on the bed and sighed.

The memories about Celia-Rose's fight with her husband made her worried. She was so worried about the child. She wasn't herself, these times.

Bianca couldn't take it. She rose up, and went toward the girl's bedroom.

She knocked twice: "Celia-Rose?"

No answer.

"Can I come in?"

Still nothing.


She entered the room, and was surprised to see that Celia-Rose wasn't in her room. Her bed was all made, like if she never came back in it again.

Strange, Bianca thought. Maybe she's eating in the kitchen?


She got down the stairs, expecting to see her granddaughter, but she found nothing.

Worry started to increase.

She looked everywhere. In baby Camellia's room. In both bathrooms. In the living room. In all rooms.

Celia-Rose Cooper was nowhere to be found.

"PIERCE!!!", Bianca ran into the steps in hurry.


Dear grandpa, dear Bianca...

I have nothing else to do here. I tried without any success to think about something else but the massacre, but it's too hard. I tried to pass to something else, to live my life, but it won't leave me alone. It's not for me, a normal life. Without my family by my side, it's impossible.

So, I'm going away. To destroy Division down.

I know, you say it's useless, but I need to finish the work daddy started. I promised I would to mommy, the night Division killed my family. And I must keep on that promise.

Please don't panick. I'll try to find Nikita. She knew daddy, and she's the only one who can help me.

I'm sorry. Don't try to find me. Don't try to make me change my mind. Because I won't stop until Division is dead and burried.

Grandpa: Thanks for everything you made me learn. Thanks for being there. Sorry for yesterday. I appreciate all you did for me and I'll always be grateful.

Bianca: Thanks for your love, your attention, well, for being here. Thanks for acting like a maternal figure to me after my mom died. I needed to hug and talk to someone, and you were there.

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