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Start the song at the moment that you want. Enjoy this epilogue :)


Whinlatter, United Kingdom

Priscilla Malik's cottage

Third Person

Zayn Malik was in the cottage of his aunt Priscilla, eating a bowl of cereal while watching the news.

"Today's lastest news: 15 years ago, Ian Barr--"

Zayn almost spat his mouthful when they talked about his father on TV.

"-- has been accused of the murder of George Jefferson, one of his fellow journalist colleagues, as well as an important uranium theft. That's what everybody thought. Until a video was leaked this morning. The video revealed the murder of Jefferson, which was in reality commited by Kasim Tariq, an ex Al-Qaeda terrorist. Tariq commited suicide in Russia, 5 days ago, in an abandonned house supposed to belong to the Bishop family, whom he had killed the wife Elizabeth and the 4 years old Hayley in a car bomb, 14 years ago in Yemen. A note found next to Tariq revealed he had forced Ian Barr to put the blame on himself, upon threathning Barr's son, which we'd prefer to keep the identity anonymous. Barr has been released yesterday, after 15 years of jail. It was Charlene Han, from NEWS9. After the break-- "

Zayn closed the TV, apalled. He gulped. He had just learned the truth: his father never killed anyone, or stole anything illegal.

He said he did to protect him.

A knock on the door startled him. No one knew where he was. He took a loaded gun hidden under the table just in case, and approached the door. He saw the blurred structure of a man through the window of the door. Zayn opened the door and dropped the gun at the shock.

"Hi, Zayn."

Zayn took a deep breath: "Hi, dad."

Ian looked down, and back at his son: "All those years I was in jail, I saw your clips on TV. I'm so proud of you and I'm glad your mother and your step-dad were able to give you the childhood I ripped away from you with my past."

Zayn wiped the tears from his eyes and sighed: "You did nothing wrong, dad. Nothing wrong. I saw the news, but I know about Division."

His father was startled: "How did you--"

"Long story. But I knew they were trying to harm me, because of your past. They're the real culprits behind this, right?"

The father looked at his son: "We have a lot to catch up on, son. This time, I'm really out of problems, and I'm not going anywhere."

Zayn smiled and hugged his father, who hugged him back immediately. Neither the father or the son let go.


London, United Kingdom

The boys' house

Celia was in the car next to Harry. She exhaled: "It's the first time I'll come in here while being... my real self."

"Don't worry. They will understand."

She walked hand-in-hand with Harry until they reached the house. At the moment Celia went in, Eleanor approached her and hugged her before Celia could say anything.

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