Chapter Two: Marked For Life

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Third Person

After running for something who seemed like an eternity, Celia-Rose escaped from her own home. She ran away until she reached a gas station who was a few kilometers away from her house. Going a paying phone, she called the police.

When the police arrived, they put a blanket on her shoulders while some paramedics took her baby sister away in an ambulance, saying "it was a total emergency situation".

The poor Celia wasn't moving from the whole car police ride. She was just staring at the empty, shaking. She put her hands in her jeans, and got something out: the chip.

Daddy told her to keep it on her the whole time. The young girl knew the police was gonna make a body search on her and taking her clothes off. She needed to not make them know the existance of the chip. So, when the police officers in the front of the car weren't watching, she put it in the safest place possible: she kept it under her tongue.

Arrived at the station, they asked her to get her clothes off, to make some forensic searches.

Celia-Rose just hoped they were going to give her sister's vest back. It was the only thing remaining from Lily. Only the thought of her sister being dead was making tears swell up her eyes.

When they gave her new clothes, a nice constable officer named Georgia brang her to a colorful room with a lot of toys, plushies and cushions. It was in fact a room where children who lived traumatic experiences where going into it to calm down. The room were full of tiny microphones, and the plsuhies had some in them too, so that children would "trust them" and told them what the bad adults did to them, and it was all recorded from the station. Celia-Rose decided to "protect" herself by making a big fort with all the plushy stuff and to hide inside of it.

Georgia tried, without any success to make her speak. Nothing. So, she made the decision to leave the girl alone, so she would speak by herself.

The little Celia-Rose didn't wanted to talk, because she wanted to keep the chip safe. When Georgia was gone, she discretly spit the chip, hidden by her plushy hiding place, and put it in her brand new jeans.

3 hours after the massacre, she still wasn't moving from her improvised stash. Wasn't talking. Wasn't even flinching. Still fixing the empty and lightly shaking in a foetal position.

Celia-Rose went from panick to black-out. She felt empty. Nothing was in her head but the massacre. She was rocking herself back and forth, slowly. An emotionless tear slid down her eye when only the images of her family getting murdered appeared in her mind. Voices and sounds resounded in her head.

The sound of the crackle of the fire burning her house down. The sound of her father's grunt when he was killed mercilessly in front of her. The screams of her sisters before they died in pain. The sound of her rapid breathing, trying to remain silent under the bed. The sound of the heavy black boots of the killer entering the bedroom.

The two loud horrible gunshots.

The tumble of her mother when she hit the floor, dead.

The sound of her own screams.

But what was traumatizing her the most, was being stucked under the bed, coughing, screaming, trying to get out.

Celia-Rose gulped and grabbed the rose of her necklace, closing her tiny hand around it. It was one of the last things remaining from her family.

One of her mother's last phrases were especially present in her mind:

"One day, you will take a gun, and shove a bullet in those bastards' heads for what they did to us. Are you gonna do that, honey?"

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