Chapter Seventeen: What The Hell...

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Hey :) Sorry if it took a while to update, I'm very busy with school and stuff, and also it was my birthday today :D (well, yesterday, bc right now its around Midnight XD) well, IM 16 NOW YEAAH :D

Anyway, even though its not a lot, here's the chapter.

Enjoy xx


Rose P.O.V


"Oh no, Eleanor!!!", I exclaimed as I hung up on a worried Nikita and ran outside, my hand on the gun in my pants, excpecting the worst...


I got out the mall to find Eleanor, sitting on the ground, a hand on her forehead. A man was by her side, as all her scattered shopping bags were on the ground everywhere around her. A lot of stuff from Eleanor's purse was also scattered on the floor...

"OH MY GOD ELEANOR!!!", I exclaimed, running to Eleanor's side. I got my hand off the gun hidden in my pants while placing my shirt back over it to hide it (while I ran to her help). I helped her get back on her feet: "Are you alright?!"

"Uh... yeah. I think so...", she rubbed her forehead.

"What happened?!", I looked at her, than at the man. "Who are you?!", I asked the man, on a kind of mefiant tone.


"Relax, miss... I'm Charles.", he said with an American accent (ahh, probably a tourist). "I was shopping with my wife and kids, and I heard this lady scream... I came to her help, and I saw a guy running away with her purse after she fell down..."

"What?!", I looked at Eleanor.

"Well... I called Louis for him to pick us up... and... I don't know... a guy got out of nowhere and he grabbed my purse! I tried to take it back but I fell because of the force... he stole my purse, but some things fell from it..."

Uh... what the heck?!?! I hope it wasn't Division!!!!

"Wait... how did he look like?!", I asked.

"He... looked around 17. A bandana was hiding his face, but I saw his eyes. Dark ones. I was so scared... he took my purse, but when he saw Charles running, he pulled my purse hard and that made me fall on the ground and he ran away! I hurt my head on the street light...", she whined as she touched the blue bump on her forehead.

I put a hand on Eleanor's back and rubbed it. My eyes fell on the scattered things that fell from Eleanor's purse... and than I remarked it.

Her phone. Broken.


So... it meant... THAT SHE WAS SAFE FROM DIVISION, NOW!!! And I didn't even have to move my finger on this...

I felt relieved.

I looked at Charles, who took the shopping bags from the ground and gave them to Eleanor: "Thank you.", she said.

"Thanks from everything, Charles.", I said.

"You're welcome. I did my best, but he was already running away... are you girls gonna be okay?"

"Yeah. My boyfriend is coming to pick us up.", Eleanor said. At that moment I saw a car coming. "Oh, there he is... thanks again."

"My pleasure. Stay safe, girls."

"We will.", I gave a small smile.

On that, he went away as Louis parked his car right in front of us.

Rose's Promise (One Direction/Nikita Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now