Chapter Forty-One: Is It Going Too Fast?

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Rose P.O.V

The next day

I walk in the streets of New-York. I feel like a new girl. No, like a new woman. I walk, my heels taping one after the other on the concrete sidewalk, like a rythmic melody, determinated. I pass in front of a shop glass. I look at my reflection: I changed. Since my night with Harry, I find myself more beautiful. I read on a site that sex creates a strong dose of pheromone in the brain, a chemical that makes you indeed more beautiful.

My skin is brighter. My eyes are shinier. My lashes look longer. My freckles are a bit more noticeable. My curves and chest are put more in worth.

I sigh, and keep walking. A man whistled at me when I passed. I thanked him (with my middle finger) but still I got a bit flattered he found me at his taste.

But still, he's an asshole and I have a boyfriend, so the middle finger was the best answer.

After a few minutes, I reached the sidewalk café, where the Vietnamiese-American woman that raised me during 8 years was sitting on a table waiting for me: Nikita.

I walked until I faced her.

"Wow, you're very beautiful, Rose", Nikita eyed me up and down.

I was wearing a blue dress with a small brown leather belt around my belly, along with a jeans vest and white heels. I was wearing the floral scarf Nikita gave me and I had sunglasses on my head.

Out of nowhere, my hand moved by itself to collide on Nikita's cheek.


"Oh!!! God...", she whimpered, grabbing her cheek.

Everybody got surprised and the waitor, who decided to come at our table at the same moment, eyed me like if I was a giant swamp monster full of snot.

"You're paied to give me the menu, not look at me like that!", I said, sitting down.

The waitor staid silent, giving me the menu, and going away. People around were watching.

"What? Want my photograph? I have my reasons, if you wanna know, now go back to your boring lives and stop sneaking into mine!", I sassed, and everyone listened.

Nikita rubbed her cheek: "Alright, I deserve it."

"You bet your ass, you deserve it! Why would you do that??", I asked, on the verge of tears, thinking about the events that occured just yesterday in Italy. "I didn't sleep the whole flight, and I can't close my eye, no matter the time!"

Nikita sighed: "You get the problem of living a double life, now, right?"

"I manage myself, thanks for the trust."

The waitor came back.

"Just a coffee in a cup. Dark, but with whipped cream. I won't stay here for long.", I eyed Nikita with a cold stare at the last sentence.

The waitor nodded and went away.

Nikita spoke: "Look, Rose. I did this for you. I find amazing that you finally got a boyfriend. But you can't fight with Division and be with Harry at the same time. You'll just gurt yourself."

"Never heard that one, before...", I mumbled, thinking about my mini-me.

Nikita got confused, but looked at me in an intense way, like to read my soul. She stood up, walking to me, and moved my scarf. I moved it back on it's place. I didn't wear it for nothing. Harry left me a big hickey, that sent shivers down my spine (of passion) just thinking about it.

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