Chapter Fifty-Three: Making Things Right

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Harry P.O.V

Nikita was driving us. The ride was silent. No one knew what to say. We had no idea where we were going. I don't know how many time passed by, and the only thing we could see was trees. We only know that we were on a road in the middle of the forrest.

This woman, Nikita, who everyone thought was Katherine's adoptive mother named Ellen Brooks, turned out to probably be an assassin too. And if that wasn't enough of a shock, I saw one of my bandmates kill someone.

I was asking myself questions, and I was craving for answers.

"Are you Division?", I asked.

Nikita looked at me in the rearview mirror: "If I was, you'd be dead by now. I used to be, but not anymore. I'm here to protect you from Division, if you want to know."

"What are your link with Katherine, or Celia-Rose?", Liam asked.

"I raised her. And I trained to be an assassin. We're partners."


She didn't answer me. I sighed, and repeated: "Why??"

"I won't explain. I'll show you. But if you keep annoying me, I'll turn around."

I shut my mouth at this moment.

Nikita took a deep breath: "What I can say is you shouldn't be this mad at Rose, you know."

I scoffed: "You don't know anything about us, or me as a matter of fact, Nikita."

"I do. Rose tells me everything that bothers her. When I came back from grocery shopping, I saw my loft in a big mess and a picture of both of you rippen in half. She's broken, Harry."

"You think I'm not too?! She lied to me! I thought she was some... sweet sassy funny girl--"

"She is one."

"She's a fucking assassin! She kills people! It's... it's sick! She commited all of those gruesome murders in the journal, she told me..."

I sighed: "She didn't chose this by heart, Harry. She cares deeply about you. She just wanted to refrain your hearten to be broken."

"Well, her plan failed. I mean, look at us right now! We're in a white van, in our pyjamas, at 5 in the goddamn morning, going somewhere we don't even know by an ex-assassin! Because of her, some psychopaths tried to kill us and forced Zayn to shoot and kill someone to save your life!"

Nikita braked adruptly, making everyone yell. Nikita got out of the van, clearly pissed off, slamming the door behind her and opened the horizontal door in front of us: "Get out."

No one moved.

"You want the truth?! I'll show you the truth!! Get the fuck out, and follow me! Move your lazy British asses!"

"I'm Irish.", Niall whispered to himself, making Nikita roll her eyes.

We listened to her. We were all walking barefooted, except for Zayn and Nikita. We were in a forest. We followed Nikita up a hidden path leading somewhere.

"Where are we going? My feet hurts!", Eleanor said.

"You'll see.", Nikita said.

"Come on! Put yourself in our shoes... oh nevermind, we're not wearing any!", Louis joked, even though now wasn't the time.

When we were at the end of the path, at a point where the forest ended, we came face to face with a hidden house... or what remained of it.

We all gasped. Only some parts of the base were remaining. An old crashed wall with an still-standing door with broken glass was the only thing close to a what looked like a house. The rest was burnt black.

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