Chapter Nineteen: Chess Games & Black Boxes

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6 o' clock, PM

Harry P.O.V.

The car was parked in front of the house as I sighed in relief to myself.


This day at work made me exhausted, and even though the boys and I ate supper on work, I just wanted to go change clothes and enjoy the theater tonight!

As the lads got out of the car, Niall stretched his back: "Ugh, I'm so tired!"

"Me too", Zayn rubbed his tired eyes.

We all entered the house, as the boys crashed on the couch in tiredness. I just climbed up the stairs to change in more comfortable clothes, and got back downstairs to sit on a couch where one of my bandmates didn't take all the places.

"So Harry... you still coming with me and El to the theather?", Louis asked.

"Yeah...", I shrugged.

"What was the point of that unenthusiastic answer?", Louis joked.

I looked at him: "Oh, nothing, it's just that I'm showing my happiness over my single man's life!", I said with sarcasm while rolling my eyes.

He chuckled: "Gosh, you look so happy your smile is creeping past your ears!", he sarcastically said back.

"Seriously, Louis. You're lucky you've known El from before our career started... I miss being in a relationship! People must not know, but I'm trying to find a serious relationship! Not girls who just want my fame...", I looked down.

Louis didn't speak. Because he knew how I was feeling about this.

He patted my back: "Don't worry, man. I'm sure you'll find someone... and maybe she's in our house right now...", he joked, wriggling his eyebrows.

I smirked, playfully hitting his arm: "What, you mean Katherine? She hates me."

"She doesn't exactly HATE you..."

"Well, she doesn't like me either. I admit that I was just flirting with her because her reactions were so funny... but I got the message: she's not into me."

"You sure? I heard that girls made like they weren't into you BECAUSE they were into you."

"Really?", I watched him with a suprised face.

"Yeah. Keep on having her attention. I know that you fancy her!"

I shrugged. Maybe he was right, but for the moment, I just know that Katherine really doesn't like me... if she wouldn't be so explosive, I think I'd have a chance.


A noise made me get out of my mind: Eleanor coming down the stairs.

"Wow, babe, you're beautiful!", Louis said with a smile getting past his face when he saw Eleanor. She was wearing a bird print dress and her hair were in a ponytail. She thanked him and they shared a quick kiss.

"Katherine's coming in a few..."

My head popped up... really, she was coming??

Louis and Eleanor winked at me. Oh, I got it. Louis planned everything and got Eleanor into it. Not only he made sure I wasn't a third wheel, but he made her come.

"Thanks, man!", I whispered so only him could hear me. He just made a two fingers salute with a smile.

"Come on, Katherine!", Eleanor yelled.

"No!", I heard Katherine's voice from upstairs.

"We've got to go!"

"I... I don't feel like myself. I look ridiculous!"

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