Chapter Forty-Two: From Celia-Rose Cooper With Love

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Rose P.O.V

It's been a month. Since my vacations in Italy with Harry.

Since I lost my virginity to him.

Nikita told me to make a choice. I chose to keep going on with my assassin career. Not just for me. But for Harry. He'll get hurt if I keep going on like this. Not only by Division (that if they find out who I am, and I don't want that) but also emotionally. And I don't want that.

He's been calling and texting me. I ignored his messages and calls. It made me feel awful to do that, but I didn't have the choice. It was better like this.

So after 5 months since my last mission, I went on a new one.

I revised the mission's notes on my computer:

My mission's localization: Philadelphia.

My target: Bartholomew Duval. 52 years old man. 6'0 feet, 182 pounds.

His link with Division: One of Percy's closest acolytes. If I get him, I'll get even closer to Percy.

Tonight, there was a soirée celebrating some kind of environnement thing, which, of course, was a conspiracy comploted by Division so they could have more dirty money to keep on doing their illegal kills and missions.

My identity: Natalya Volkov. I would pass for the daughter of a russian business man who will start in the business.

My objective: Luckily for me, Bartholomew Duval is a dirty old man aiming for very young women in his bed. So my identity would pass for a 20 years old girl, and I'll just seduce him until he gets me in his room, and then I'll kill him.


I parked my car in a gas station, a few kilometers near the hotel where the soirée takes place, and where Bartholomew Duval sleeps in for the night (the last one of his life, may I add). I looked into my deffel bag, where all of my stuff was there.

I changed from my clothes to a short silver sparkly dress. I put my hair in a net, and put a black square cut wig on my head. Division knows I have brown hair, so I prefer to be prudent for tonight.

I was thinking while putting on silver heels how good it felt to go on a solo mission. I, of course, was obligated to tell Nikita my choice. She looked disappointed, but I don't give a damn about what she thinks. She helped me with the LAYERS of makeup I was wearing. She made me a smokey cat-eye makeup, but I remember what she told me when it was done:

I'm sure you need more time.

I didn't answer. I'm doing this for both Harry and me. Let's see how tonight's mission goes.

I kissed my rose necklace, for luck, and I looked at the bird bracelet Harry gave me around my wrist. I sighed, also giving it a kiss, but I decided to put it in my duffel bag, not to lose it.


I entered the crowded building, where men in suits and women in elegant gowns could be seen. I took a glass of champagne and looked around, hoping to spot Bartholomew Duval. I kept walking, until I felt something bump into me, thus, soaking my dress.

"Oh, miss, I am so sorry, excuse my clumsiness..."

I looked up and I froze. My blood was frozen at the shock, but it started to heat again, even burn in flames.

In front of me... was him.

Percy. Percival Rose. The man that murdered my family. The head of Division. He was just there, in front of me, offering me a towel.

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