Chapter Forty-Five: Give Me A Reason

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Rose P.O.V

The next day

I groaned, when I opened my eyes. The light of my window blinded me, and it made my headache even worse.


I rubbed my eyes and stretched. Memories of last night played back. I was sad over Harry, went to the bar, and then... nothing. A black hole in my head.

"Note to self: never drink like this ever again.", I told outloud to myself.

I sat up, but realized the wind was really cold on my body, because I felt goosebumps rising on my skin. Especially around my boobs. I looked down and covered myself with my covers.

"I'm naked?!?!"

I looked down under the covers: yup, I was stark naked. I started to panic. I hope for my sake I didn't have sex with a random guy! Gosh that would be so embarassing! Also, I may be ignoring Harry, I'm not a unfaithful whore!

I heard noises in my kitchen, startling me. I put on some underwear, a random shirt and pyjama shorts. I got out of my room, towards the kitchen, where I saw the back of man. A familiar man with long brown curly hair.


Harry looked at me, smiling. He was cooking something: "Oh, you're up!"

I frowned: "W-What are you doing here?"

He looked at me: "You don't remember?"

"I must admit I drank a lot last night...", I sat on the stool of near my counter.

He gave me a plate, where eggs were inside: "It helps when you have a hangover."

"Thank you.", I started to eat. "How did you end up here?"

Harry sat next to me and answered my question: "I took a plane to New-York because... I needed to talk to you. You've been ignoring my calls and messages since... our vacation in Italy."

I looked down, my cheeks flushing red as memories of our night came back to mind. I started to feel awfully bad for ignoring him.

"I got to your apartment, but you weren't there. I asked Dolores to open the door, but at the same moment you came back. You were drunk, but you were...", he started to laugh.

"How was I??", I asked. Why was he laughing at me?

"You were all... peppy and energetic. Like a child. That was cute."

Then memories went back one by one: "Yeah, it's... coming back to mind."

"We came back here. You wanted to play games. To dance. To chase me around your room..."

Then everything came back.

"Oh no, tell me I didn't undress myself, asked you to have sex with me and cried afterwards?", I asked, baffled and dumbfounded.

He nodded.

I blushed and facepalmed with both of my hands, groaning: "Oh my gosh, this is so embarassing!!!"

"Hey don't worry. I... already saw you naked, didn't I?"

I didn't know if that was supposed to make me feel better.

"Don't worry, nothing happened. I didn't want to take advantage of you, and you were quite... insistant."

I sighed and looked at him: "I am SO sorry, this is really not my type. I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry."

Harry put a hand on my arm, to calm me down: "Hey. It's alright. You were drunk. There's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Uh, there's a LOT to be ashamed of! I tried to force you into having sex with me! I just want to crawl into a mouse hole and never get out of it!"

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