Chapter Thirty-Six: Sucker Punch

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Rose P.O.V

"SAVANNAH?! HOLY SHIT! It's been so long! It's me, Damon!"

I was frozen. I couldn't move. I felt like puking. Unfortunately, I wasn't hallucinating. It was him. Damon. My first 'boyfriend'. The one who broke my heart and my trust. There he was, all grown up, in front of me, after all these years.

I was shaking: "You got me with the wrong person. My name is not Savannah. It's Katherine. Have a nice night.", I lied, hoping he would buy it.

I was about to leave, but he grabbed my arm once again and pulled me to him: "Come on, stop acting, Savannah! I know it's you! The Savannah I knew in elementary had the same necklace!", he breathed, the strong and vomitive smell of alcohol invading my nostrils.

Then, his words hit me. He reconized my necklace. Shit. I took it in my hand and my breathing cut straight at this moment. I was busted. Damon knew me as Savannah, and the boys and the others knew me as Katherine. Oh, fuck. My identity was in danger!

"Hey, what's going on, here?", I heard Louis' voice say. Phew, the boys and El came to my rescue...!

"Woah relax, faggot.", Damon slurred. That asshole didn't change a bit.

"Hey, don't talk this way about my boyfriend, dickhead!", Eleanor snapped at him.

"Guys, he's a drunk piece of shit. Leave him be. He thinks I know him, but I don't know him!", I said, lying. "Let's just go..."

Damon spoke before I could leave: "Come on Savannah, baby..."

"Don't call be baby, asshole!", I said, shaking, trying to look tough. 

He let out a drunken dirty laugh, ignoring me: "Oh come on, pretty ass. I know you're mad because I 'cheated' on you with Lizzie when we were 10. But you were ugly back then. Now look at you: you're hot!"  

He was sickening. Just sickening. I tried to look strong, but his presence tumbled down my wall and made me shake uncontrollably. I don't know for how many time I'll be able to hold on before cracking.

"Hey don't talk about her like this!", Harry got out of nowhere and pushed Damon with all of his forces. Damon got taken aback, but got back on his feet quickly despite his drunk state, and punched Harry across the face, sending him to the floor, making the few people around gasping, now bringing the attention to us.

"Harry, are you okay??", I asked, worried, as Niall and Liam helped him up. Harry rubbed his jaw.

"Who cares about this faggot, dance with me...", he grabbed me roughly by my waist and pushed me to him, trying to create friction.

"HEY! HANDS OFF!!!", I yelled in disgust, pushing him away. He insults Louis, punches Harry and thinks I'll just let him touch me like that?!

"What are you gonna do about it, loser?"

The word loser resounded in my head. Back at the day I beat him and Lizzie up. When he pulled me by my hair after Lizzie stole my necklace.

"You heard her, it's hers now: loser!"




He made a move to pull me toward him once again with a dirty face but I slapped both of his hands away and gave him a hard punch in the stomach, making him grunt. I turned my back to him, grabbing his head with my hands and spinned in a way to bring him to the floor, making everyone gasp.

When his back hit the floor, I grabbed his collar and was about to punch him across the face and knocking him off in the process, but I didn't, realizing the music stopped. I was panting, and Damon was whimpering and crying. It brang me back to the elementary school playground, 8 years ago, the first time I beat him up. His blue glassy eyes had shrunken irises. He was in state of shock. Because he remembered.

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