Chapter Thirty-Eight: The Rare Gem

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Rose P.O.V

24 hours later

I opened my eyes, and looked at my surroundings. I was in Harry's private plane, and my head was laying on Harry's shoulder. I looked up and smiled at Harry when I remembered we were on our way to Venice, Italy.

"Hey.", I said.

"Hey, baby. Slept well?", he asked, caressing my hair.

"Yeah. Because you're comfortable."

"Well, I'm taking this as a compliment.", he whispered with a cute smile of his.

"It is one.", I whispered back.

He chuckled and kissed my forehead: "We'll be here, soon."

I got up and took my bag: "I'm gonna change. The temperat than in London, and I need to put on the new dress I bought with Eleanor."

"I'm not going anywere.", Harry smiled.

I went into the plane's restroom. I changed from my black jeans and sweater to a black white-spotted bustier dress. I looked at myself in the mirror, before smiling. I looked pretty, I admit. I'm sure Harry will like it.

"Ugh, there she goes."

I rolled my eyes. My mini-me was back, I guess. Here's what lack of sleep does.

"What do you want, now?"

"Snap out of it, Celia-Rose! You are putting your promise aside!"

"Sorry, I don't talk to non-real beings.", I said, while going through my bag.

"You promised yourself you wouldn't have a boyfriend, and look at you being all lovey-dovey with this Harry. Gack!", she put two fingers in her mouth and pretended to throw up.

"I was young and immature when I said that, funny, exactly what you are being right now."

"Don't talk to me like that! Harry changed you! Just like Damon!"

I looked at her with round eyes: "No! Damon changed me for the worst, so worst that I almost hit my own little sister! Harry changed me for the best, I'm happy with him and he makes me wanna be a better person!! And also, I can talk to you the way that I want to, because, you know, you come from my head!"

"This wasn't what Nikita meant for 'vacations'! It was for yourself, not for you and Harry! You thought about Division?"

"Division doesn't know who and where I am, and that's for the better! And get that in your head: I love Harry, and that won't change because you, a product of my imagination, tells me not to!"

"I'm your conscience!"

"Consciences are supposed to be full of wisedom, not full of shit!"

She gasped: "Okay, that's it! You give me no choice to say that: you broke your promise to your mom!"

I almost dropped my bag: "What?? No! Never! I never break my promises!", I pointed a finger in her (non-real) face. Who does she think she is??

"Oh yeah? Like the one about not having a boyfriend EVER??", she crossed her arms.

I rolled my eyes: "That's different. It was to myself. To others, I always respect my promises, especially to my deceased mother!!"

"Well you can't bring Division down if you have Curly! It's either your revenge, the one you worked to get so hard for 8 years... or either your 4 months boyfriend."

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