Chapter Forty-Four: Pain Is The Best Art Form

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Third Person


A week later...

While Nikita was working hard to find Kasim Tariq in order to keep Rose's identity a secret to Division, the 18 years old was at home.

She wasn't getting out her apartment very often. She was paranoid. She was afraid to get out, since her last mission.

So she was staying in her apartment, clearly bored. She wasn't doing a lot of things. She tried cooking, but she almost sent her kitchen on fire. She did her bills, and it made her even more tired. Her mind was on Harry, the whole time. Suddenly, she got hit by a wave of inspiration before she could even realize.

She went to her room. She kneeled in front of her closet, where she got a box out.

Her few childhood memories remaining that were saved from the fire: Lily's hoodie. Her family's picture frame. A bottle of perfume belonging to her mother (there was almost no perfume inside, and Rose didn't dare to waste it). 

And she found what she was looking for. Her old drawing book. She showed it to Harry once, when she drew the music box. 

She crashed on her bed, opened her drawer and got the color pencils out. She opened the book to a blank page and started to draw. She started with the green eyes, the doors of the soul. She drew them in a way you could reconize a calm and focused stare, a caring one.

She then continued with the cute large nose. The plump lips. Cheekbones and dimples. The oval-shaped head. And, of course, the trademark hazelnut curls with the red headband he often wore when he was staying over at her apartment, in their dating debuts.

After almost an hour, Celia-Rose finished drawing Harry Styles. She got a bit carried away and drew him next what she did best: roses. She also drew one his sparrow tattoos, the ones of him she prefered. She kept staring at her drawing for hours. She missed him so much. She wiped her tears away; it's not that she didn't want to be with him, she couldn't be with him. That's what she was telling herself.

She looked into her cellphone. After 5 weeks of ignoring him: 231 messages and 87 missed calls. 

Rose sighed. Missing Harry was driving her crazy. She needed to change her mind. She put her notebook on the table, grabbed her keys and left in her car for the nearest bar.

Arrived there, Rose sat at the stool and asked the barman for a Malibu Sunset, the drink Eleanor made her discover the day of her 18th birthday. She, of course, presented a fake card so she could pass as a 21 years old. She drank it all in one sip. It wasn't her type to do this, but Rose lost control and multiplied the 'give me another one' to the barman.

It was understable: she was an assassin supposed not to get attach to people, and next thing you know she gave her virginity to the man she loved and who loved her back, without him doubting who she really was. If that wasn't enough, a week ago, she had a conversation with the man that killed her family and who almost exposed her.

Rose was exhausted. And she couldn't stop the quantity of alcohol draining down her body. 

An hour later, Rose put her recent empty glass on the counter, giggling. After who knows many drinks, all worries and negative feelings just left her body. She felt happy, and all peppy. Twe feelings she didn't genuinely felt for a long time, if you count out the times passed with the One Direction boys.

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