Chapter Four: Cloud Nine... or Hell Nine?

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*Author Note*


I hope you can forgive me :(

I also hope you will love the chapter :)

I wanna thank @ShortieJuls, @MyrtheIsAsColdAsIce and @gabbipatch for the comments of the last chapter :) I really appreciate it!

This chapter is dedicated to @TheLoveBubblegum :D

Here's a new character... Judy, portrayed by Maggie Elizabeth Jones.






PS: This story has points based on the TV series Nikita. But take note that some points in my story will be different from the TV series. You'll understand :)


4 months later...

Celia-Rose P.O.V

It's been 4 months since we moved to Ontario, Canada. According to the few words Grandpa told me, I was safe from Division, here.

I opened my eyes to come face-to-face with a smiling baby face.

"Eeya! Eeya!"

Camellia must have escaped her baby bed and entered my room by herself, awww! (yes, she is 1 year old and she can walk, very fast)

Since she was a (deaf) baby, she wasn't able to pronounce my name correctly, so she was calling me 'Eeya'. How cute!

I sat on my bad and pecked my sister's cheek.

"Up!", she signed a up finger. When we came here, Bianca registred us and Camellia to a baby sign language class. Yep, babies are able to sign, because they're at an age when they can mimick people. That's what the sign language teacher said.

I smiled: "Of course. I will take you up." I signed to her, so she could understand the basics I was telling her. She smiled and giggled.

I took her in my arms and got down the stairs, where Bianca was making my breakfast.

"Hello, Celia-Rose!", she smiled.

"Good morning!", I smiled to her.

"So, today's the day?", she asked.

"Yes. Am I obligated to go to school?" I asked. Today, it was the start of the school year.

"Yes, Rose. It's been 4 months. You MUST go to school. That's what your parents would have wanted."

I sighed as I put Camellia in her baby seat.

"Look, Rosie."

I turned my head to see my grandpa.

"I understand that you are still a little... shook by the events, but... one day, I promise you will pass to something else."

He pecked my cheek: "Good morning."

I sat, as Grandpa took a seat next to me with his new papers.

"Easy to say! I saw those bastards from a ghost agency kill my whole family, and because they aren't reconized by those idiots from the law, the world will just let those killers run undercover on the streets while my family is gone! That's unfair!", I said.

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