Chapter Eighteen: I'm Not Out Of Here Yet

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But understand that I just needed a break. School is making me crazy bc its my last year and I have homeworks taking all of my time. And note that I'm thrilled at the idea to be out of my fucking high school full of people I hate that I just can't wait to never see their annoying faces again :)))

So, yeah.

Im sorry, but I might be absent A LOT because school will absolutely be the end of me (if One Direction isn't already XD)

I hope this quick chapter will make up for my delay :)

Good reading xx


Rose P.O.V

I climbed the steps in the ventilation duct that lead to the roof, to open the grill. Once I opened it, I went through it, going outside. After I got out, I closed the grill behind me and crawled forward to look over the edge of the motel's roof. There was police EVERYWHERE.

I crawled back to the ventilation duct I got out from later on, and let out a sigh, making me wipe some sweat away from my forehead. Dammit, I was screwed! What should I do?

"Use your brain!"

I refrained a gasp as a little girl appeared next to me... well, a younger version of myself, to be exact.

"What the fuck?!", I whispered.

"Don't freak out... stay calm... remember what Nikita taught you... and everything will be fine!", she said with determination, yet calmly. Gosh, this is creepy...

"Who are you?! Well you're me, but... what are you doing here?! Am I crazy?!", I whispered to her.

"I'm your conscience.", she said proudly.

"Okay... I'm officially crazy.", I rolled my eyes.

"Not at all... you're freaking out, so you're hallicunating... as a product of your imagination, I must put you back on tract!"

"Okay, but... why do you look like the child version of me?"

"As a conscience, I must represent everything that you lost for more impact... in your case, that's your childhood."

I looked at the sky: "It just can't be worst, isn't?"

My 'conscience' sighed: "Look... you don't have time to lay there like a lazy potato! You must get out of here before that place get invaded my the police! Well... more than right now! You CAN do this! Remember all those years Nikita trained you to be the assassin you're today! She didn't do this for nothing! Remember... do this for your family! Don't let them down! You've escaped before, you CAN do it again!! Now move your ass and GO!!!"

I nodded my head: "Hey, you're right! Thank yo--"

I turned my head to thank her, but she was already gone. Well... that was extemely weird. But then, I shook my head and remembered what she told me. Enough with the bullshit! She's right... I escaped before... sometimes injured, but still alive and the good ol' me!

I started to crawl foreward on the roof, determinated. The motel had the shape of an 'L' seen from aerial view. The police were everywhere around the base of the 'L'. So, I needed to make my way to the other side. But if I ever get up, they'll see me... so I had no other choices to crawl. I was crawling as fast as I could. I was panting, and sweat was forming on my forehead, but flashbacks of Nikita training me when I was barely 11 shot through me and made me keep going. She trained me for YEARS. I KNEW how to do this... I COULD do this. I was determinated.

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