Chapter Thirty-Five: Girl Almighty

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Hey guys :D Another quick update for you!

This chapter will center around... *drum roll* Rose's birthdayyyy :D

Speaking of birthdays, mine is this weeeeek! I'll have Celia's old age, in other words, 17 years old.

So, this chapter is long and I hope you enjoy it! There's 2 songs (THAT I DON'T OWN JUST SAYING) in this chapter

- "The Fade Out Line" by Phoebe Killdeer. (the scene in which it's featured is a reference to the movie Colombiana)

- "Creep" by Radiohead. I just love that song and I think it represents Celia-Rose really well.

Thanks to all of you reading and commenting, by the way! I'd like to tag the commenters of last chapters, but I always tag the same people (no offense XD) and I want to update asap, so on this, enjoy this chapter!!

aria xx


Rose P.O.V

Two months and a half later...

It's been 2 months and a half Harry and I are dating. We agreed, the night of our first date, to take our time. We kissed a few times, but we started making out on a regular basis only 3 weeks ago! Anyways, what I mean is that Harry and I took the time to do couple things. We watched movies, did activities together (fortunately, without the public to know), well, I was happy.

Also, last night, Harry and I were cooking and we kinda ended up doing a foodfight. It was so funny! I just hope Dolores wouldn't hate me after I payed her to clean my mess. Fortunately, she said it was okay, that it was why I was paying her. Harry and I took showers (not at the same time, of course) and it marked the first night Harry and I slept in the same bed, as we were both exhausted.

The next morning, I opened my eyes when I heard the song of an alarm. I groaned and closed it. Harry's body was trashed on my bed next to mine. I slept in my pajamas, but Harry slept in the same clothes from last night. Why was my alarm set to 5 freaking PM?!?

"Hey.", Harry smiled, opening his green eyes.

"Hey.", I smiled back.

"Happy birthday, baby.", he kissed my forehead.

"Thank you, Harry."

Wow. I can't believe it. I wasn't a child anymore. I was 18. I was legal in some countries.

He got up: "I'm gonna get my things at my hotel. And you better put on some clothes, because you're coming with me..."

"Okay.", I said. "Hey, why did you hacked my alarm clock at 5PM?"

Harry took two plane tickets out of his pockets: "Does this answer your question?"

"Where are we going??", I asked, refering to the tickets.

"You'll see. I'm not saying anything.", he smiled.


7 hours later, London, 2PM

The private plane landed in London. I smiled at Harry: "Even though I know the country I'm in right now I wonder where you are taking me. Tell me!!!"

"You'd have to torture me for that.", Harry smirked.

Unlucky for you, I'm experienced in that.

Harry looked at me with a creeped out face. DID I JUST SAY THAT OUT LOUD?!?

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