Chapter Twenty-Four: Hidden Truths

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Hey :)

Looks like I updated even faster, OMG WHAT A RECORD!!!

I just wanted to excuse myself in advance, because Rose/Eleanor/the boys aren't the principal action in this chapter, BUT, they are here (okay, not all of them, but you'll see...)

In the next chapter, it will for sure turn back to Rose's P.O.V :)

I LOVED writing this chapter, and OMG, I can't wait for you to read it!

So I guess I'll stop talking, do the thanks right now and let you read the chapter.

Thanks to @Gabbi_Likes_Llamas , @CaptainKillianSwan and @I_am_me094715 for your comments in the last chapter :)

If you guys want a thank, well, comment XD Seriously, I love reading your comments, so when I thank you, it's the least I can do :)

Anyway, after reading this chapter:




PS: This chapter is mainly an Owen P.O.V one, me having the idea from @CaptainKillianSwan, who proposed a P.O.V from other people than Rose (even though she's the main character, I love telling the story through other charachter's perspectives)

PPS: I just want to say that I BASED a part of this chapter from the 6th episode of the real Nikita TV show (episode: Resistance). Again, I changed some parts of the dialogue, AND I DO NOT OWN THIS SHOW.

PPPS: You'll understand why I did an A/N in the beginning of this chapter after finishing this chapter.

Anyway have a good reading :) xx


Owen P.O.V

Nikita was driving. I was just fixing the empty from the passenger seat.

Dead. My beautiful Emily was dead.

Because of Division. Of Nikita. And because of...

I exhaled in anger... Cooper. If she wouldn't have stole the black box, I wouldn't be where I am right now and Emily would still be alive.

"Owen...", Nikita's voice said from next to me.

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