Characters 2nd part

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Dhruv vedant:

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Dhruv vedant:

A reticent, matured and self-contained guy. Classmate and close friend of Manik yet totally opposite in nature. He used to be the rock-solid support for Aliya when she was deserted by Manik after 1-month fling from his side. During that period Dhruv and Aliya came so close that today they can't even imagine any moment of their life without each other. Dhruv loves Manik a lot and that's why despite being against his playboy behaviour he can't restrain himself to be an important part of his life.

 Dhruv loves Manik a lot and that's why despite being against his playboy behaviour he can't restrain himself to be an important part of his life

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Aliya Saxena:

A 20 yrs old sweet nature girl. Sister of Harshad Saxena. They share a very strong sibling bond because their parents got separated at a very early stage of their childhood and at that time both of them had only each other's shoulders to lament. The second most important person in her life is Dhruv. She can be emotionally naked in front of him. She still curses her gullibility for being associated with Manik at some point in her life.

 She still curses her gullibility for being associated with Manik at some point in her life

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Harshad Saxena:

The big brother of Aliya Saxena and so-called close friend of Manik. 23 yrs old. Why so-called? Well, he never forgot Manik's deception of Aliya and always keeps rancour against him. Although he never showed it instead masks it with his counselling to Manik which are eminent reasons for Manik's various vile deeds.

 Although he never showed it instead masks it with his counselling to Manik which are eminent reasons for Manik's various vile deeds

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Mukti Vardhan:

Manik and Cabir's cousin. 26 yrs old. A free-spirited tomboyish girl. Loves Cabir a lot and always remains concerned and worried about his giving and scarifying nature. She is the only person who can show the mirror to Manik without any fear. Manik loves her and avoids her pieces of advice at the same time. In a long time relationship with Abhimanyu Thakkar and soon are going to be married.

 In a long time relationship with Abhimanyu Thakkar and soon are going to be married

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Abhimanyu Thakkar:

A 28 yrs old quick-witted fun-loving guy. Though a professor by profession never gets serious in life. Close friends wonder how did he make an impression on Mukti? They are like chalk and cheese. If she is pensive then he is nonchalant. Nonetheless, they are together for almost 6 yrs now and happily taking forward their relationship to matrimonial commitment.

These are the main characters of the story. Some other characters will be introduced later according to the storyline.

Author's note: Read this story in Inkitt.....❤

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