Chapter 81-"You must have seen a nightmare..."

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"How do you know that something is bothering me?"

Dhruv looked at his side and smilingly addressed him,

"Because I am your best friend. I can even hear your silence. Since the party night, you didn't call me. Neither you answered my call or messages nor tried to meet me. It can have only two meanings. Either you wanted to avoid me or you were getting prepared to confront me. I eliminated the first one as I know you since our childhood. Our friendship always has given you the freedom to be yourself. When there is nothing to hide there is nothing to avoid. So, the second option is left. You were preparing yourself to face me because you may have done something which you know I will never support. And that is bothering you. How to open up."

He looked into Manik's eyes as he tried to see his heart. Manik didn't blink and uttered with a flat tone,

"Yes, I have done the biggest mistake of my life. Because of that, I have lost Nandini forever and the irony is, this time maybe my remorse, my penance wouldn't be sufficient to heal her wound. You remember, once you said that I take her love for grunted and someday it will be too late to realise that. You were right. I destroyed my happiness with my own hands and it's too late to get it back."

His voice got choked. He gulped the pain and closed his eyes to control his emotion. After a short silence, Dhruv muttered,

"Before I ask you to tell everything, I just want to say no matter how deep the wound is, only one thing can heal it and that is true love. You definitely took her love for grunted because you never considered her any different from you. You consider her the other part of your heart. And the biggest irony is sometimes we forget to reciprocate the love we owe ourselves because we take ourselves for grunted. You love her so much that you forgot to reciprocate her love. It's complicated but it's true. Now, tell me what have you done to her that my 'never give up' attitudinal friend lost his all hope to get her love back? You can trust me. Like the past, I won't judge you blindly."


Nandini was sitting on the bed, flipping on her course books. In the morning when Navya reminded her about the exam, she became very upset. For the last one month, she really ignored her studies. Actually, she decided to go abroad after her 3rd semester for further study. In this way, she will be able to go away from Manik without letting anyone know about their tumultuous relationship. However, for admission or migration to any good university abroad, she needs good marks. And for that, she needs to study seriously. Nandini was looking at the letters on the open page. Gradually, they became blurred as her eyes were dropping due to sleep. This weakness hardly allowed her to pressurize her brain or body. Nandini rested her head backside on the pillow and closed her eyes. She couldn't know when she slipped into sleep. In her dream, she could see a garden full of beautiful flowers and colourful butterflies. She was dancing and walking among those almost without touching the ground. She was looking like an angel. Happily singing and twirling around the fountains. The sky was painted with rainbows. Nandini was facing one of the rainbows and sang,


All of a sudden, someone screamed in her ears, 'Die for me..' She tried to yell but no sound came out of her mouth. She fell to the ground, tried to crawl and escape but the voice was haunting her, chasing her like a never-ending howl. 'You are mine, can't leave me..'...the hissing susurrated inside her head. Suddenly, someone grabbed her from the shoulder and she opened her eyes with a jerk,


A scream let out her mouth. The person standing in front of her perplexedly uttered,

"It's me, Nandu...You must have seen a nightmare."

Author's note: Read the full chapter in Inkitt.🙏❤

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