Chapter 100 -"Am I dreaming?..."

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"Bro..please don't misunderstand me. Whatever I am doing is for Dad only. Please keep faith in me. For the first and last time."

Her tone and eyes had something that forced Aryamaan to sit calmly again. Though his quizzical eyes were still penetrating his sister's expression. Soha inhaled sharply and mouthed with sheer alertness,

"Bro, Manik wants to make a deal with us."

Her words brought deep lines on Aryamaan's forehead. He mouthed with confusion,

"Deal? What kind of deal?"

Soha met his perplexed eyes with her determined ones and uttered in a steady voice,

"Malhotras will lift the non-bailable custody condition if you give the statement that you are not sure that the person who pushed you from the terrace was Manik. You were drunk and couldn't recognize the person."

She paused for a second and then concluded in an impassive tone,

"Give and take. His deal."


"Ummm...excuse me! Right now, a guy and a lady have entered this hotel. I want to know if they have booked any room. Actually, they are my friends and I am also invited. But my phone is dead. So, I couldn't make a call. Can you tell me which room are they in?"

Nandini tried to maintain a casual tone though her heart is sinking with every passing second. Was she wrong to recognize them?

"Ma'am, I think you are talking about Manik Malhotra and Soha Khurana. They have just checked in. Their room number is 604, third floor. If you want our attendant will show you the way."

The receptionist boy replied cordially. Something slashed Nandini's heart instantly. She mumbled in a low tone,

"No, thank you. I will help myself."


"Don't you think nowadays you seek chances to fight with me? What happened? Sudden these mood swings?"

He tried to avoid the initiative of a brawl and again concentrated on his laptop screen. However, this cop-out increased Nandini's agitation more. She almost lunged on Manik and grabbed him by his tee-shirt button.

"Yes, I do. I do seek chances to fight with you. Because I am still your wife and I have rights on you."

She vented out her anger and pain which were wrenching her heart. At first, Manik was taken aback by this abrupt reaction that is very unusual for Nandini. She never reacts in this hostile manner. He glanced at her grip on his cloth and replied composedly,

"Wife? Rights? Well, I think you want to be free from these bondages. Then what happened? Why this sudden possessiveness, Mrs Malhotra? Am I dreaming?"

Author's note: Read the full chapter in Inkitt.

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