Chapter 85 - "To go away from me..."

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"Hey, what happened? Did you really miss me? I am sorry, Baby. This project is driving me crazy. Let me remember...ummm..did we have a dinner date that I forgot? Uhuuu..then a shopping date? Lunch promise...Ohhhooo I can't remember. Whatever, I am ready to take punishment. Tell me what can I do for you? Should I kneel down and beg for forgiveness or hold my ears and do sit up?"

He sounded funny, still wrapping his arms around her.

"Love me..."

Aliya abruptly said. Dhruv thought that he must have heard something wrong. He perplexedly asked,


"I said love the eternity that I can feel the spring in freezing winter."

Aliya mouthed determinedly. Her eyes were beaming with demand. Dhruv chuckled.


"I am yours...forever. Whenever you want..I am there for you."

Within a minute, both of them became devoid of any hindrance. Dhruv took her soft petals between his lips and carefully started sucking. His hands were circling on her mounds. Sometimes in one kiss, we come to know all we haven't said. His tongue darted inside her mouth and their lips started dancing in their own melody. Aliya's eager hand reached his manhood. It was aching in passion. She parted her legs and located his tip to her entrance. Dhruv lifted his mouth for a while and met her love-drenched eyes.

"Be there for within mingled with me."

She murmured. He eased himself in her with care and love. A gratified moan escaped her mouth. Two teardrops trickled down the corner of her eyes. She closed her eyes with contentment.

"I close my eyes

and I see you in my mind.

I fall asleep

and I feel you in my dreams behind."


"I stole it from Dr Sippy's clinic. Dr Sonia Sippy is treating Nandini for the last 20 days. Generally, she diagnosed her as a patient of Meningitis. But look at the last line of the primary examination report."

She indicated a particular line. Vibha frowned to read the line aloud,

"Forced entry...Vaginal lesion..."

She met Vibha's eyes with fear and perplexion.

"That means...."

Navya completed her query,

"That means she perhaps was raped now I have to be sure if it was Manik."


It took 2 hours to complete all the necessary points to jot down. Manik closed all the books and copies and glanced at his wristwatch. It's 3 am. He yawned and looked at Nandini who was still sleeping like a baby. A content smile peeped into his lips. He opened the copy and wrote,

"Read these points minutely. Remember you have to score above 90% to get admission to a foreign university. All the best."

He thought for a while and stroke out the 'all the best' line and replaced it by,

"And to go away from me."

Author's note: Read the full chapter in Inkitt. 

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