Chapter 110 - "WHAT THE FU..!"

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"Hey, stay!

Don't go away...

I am so lonely, listen to my heart...

Look it bleeds at the thought

Of being apart..."

Manik never fathomed these lyrics so far. However, Nandini's eyes were somehow emoting and proving each and every word of this song right then. Manik immediately turned and settled on the edge of the bed leaving almost no place between them. In the next second, he covered her upper torso with his and hid his face in the crook of her neck.

"I almost died at the thought of losing you. I will die, Nandu. I can't live without you. Please don't leave me. I know I don't deserve you. I always failed to prove myself. But don't punish me for all my mistakes. I am sorry. I am sorry for hurting you. I am sorry for my every sin. But don't go away. I can't survive."

Manik's blabbering was hitting Nandini's ears. She was still holding his hand in a tight grip. Slowly she released the pressure and entwined her fingers with his. Her other hand got settled on Manik's back and slowly trailed up to get placed on his nape. Her fingers invaded his soft hair and gripped them in a light fist.

"I won't go anywhere. I thought it would be easy to go away from you. But I forgot that we can't change God's decision. We are destined to be together, Manik. We can't change this truth. And that I realized when Harshad was strangling me. It is said that at the moment of near death, we start missing the person we love the most. We want some more time to live with that special person. And at that point, I just wanted some more time to be with you. I realized how difficult it is to be apart from you forever. Even I can't survive without you."


"Mom gave the statement that she killed Harshad. But I know she is lying. She is trying to..."

"Save you."

Nandini finished his line and paused for a moment and then mouthed with a sharp exhale,

"Finally, a mother got a chance to prove her love to her son who unfortunately thinks she doesn't love him."

Her words shook Manik for a second. He kept on looking at Nandini for a while and then softly uttered,

"Not anymore."


ACP Rawat stepped into the room and approached them. Cabir and Nyonika both looked at him with quizzical eyes. Rawat took a chair and sat in front of them.

"We found Mrs Nyonika Malhotra's gun on the beach. So, Mrs Malhotra, your effort to mislead the police is in vain. Secondly, Harshad got a bullet in his body which was shot from Mrs Nyonika's gun. So, even if Manik Malhotra also shot him, it missed its aim."

Rawat desisted for a brief second and meanwhile, Nyonika intervened,

"That means, I was right. I killed Harshad. No doubt in that."

Author's note: Read the full chapter on Inkitt. After a long break, I am updating the story. I am suffering from Dengue. So, couldn't write so far. Now, it is on a recovery way. Will try to finish the story soon. Some more twists and turns are on the way. So, keep reading 🙏🙏

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