Chapter 84 - "Life is unpredictable..."

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"You forgot that hidden things or keeping secrets may harm a relationship too. And you also forgot that I am not any stranger or outsider. I have every right to know what is bothering you. Why are you avoiding my questions and why are you even avoiding the police? Don't I have the right to know who tried to kill you? If that person tried once then he or she may try again. Can't you see my fear? I can't afford to lose you, Arya. For God's sake break your silence. Try to save yourself. Your secret is nowhere will help you to survive rather than create more complications."

Vibha sounded desperate. Aryamaan hardened his jaws and replied,

"Call the police. I am ready to give my statement. I also need this matter to end."

The restlessness of his words made Vibha furrow her brows. She again asked,

"May I know what would be your statement?"

Aryamaan met her sceptical eyes and uttered in a rigid voice,

"It was an accident. I leant on the terrace wall and lost the balance. I was a bit drunk and that was the reason behind this accident. Nobody pushed me from there."


"Vibha, stop. You can't talk to Muktidi about this. Okay, I am telling you everything but you also have to promise me one thing."

Vibha flipped and neared to him with a determined attitude.

"My promise will depend on your statement. Arya, I am not a whimsical person who doesn't judge a situation before taking any decision. If I feel that your decision of keeping quiet is valid then I will respect your choice but if no then I will make my own decision."

Aryamaan exhaled a deep sigh to hear her. He knows how stubborn this girl is and that is his fear. He gestured her to sit and started narrating everything which he previously told To Mukti. Vibha listened to him without any interruption. Both were engrossed in their words and didn't realise that someone was eavesdropping on them from outside. If they had felt any presence of another person, they wouldn't have discussed it so openly. But the damage was done and they were totally oblivious about it. The person standing outside smiled slyly and stealthily returned. Sometimes the road of life takes an unexpected turn and you have no choice but to follow it to end up in the place you are supposed to be.


"The wrong is every time you impose your decision over me. You sent me to the boarding school against my will. You forced Dad to take this decision. You imposed your decision on me to spend my entire childhood and teenage without my family. Why Mom? Why you always take my life decision?"

Nyonika was taken aback by this abrupt attack. Shrikant looked embarrassed but couldn't turn down Manik's allegation. Somehow, he is right in his point. Nyonika sighed and uttered composedly,

"Okay, I won't burden you with my decision this time. Not anymore. I thought I did right for you...for your future. But that was my illusion. You will never understand me."

She tried to exit but again flipped to conclude,

"Nandini won't go alone and this is my final decision. Perhaps she won't misunderstand me."


Manik suddenly opened his eyes and leant forward to meet Cabir's eyes.

"Cabir, I made a decision."

"Decision! About what?"

Cabir sounded baffled. Manik got up from his chair and walked to the glass wall of the cabin. He stared through the glass to the crowded city.

"I am letting go Nandini. If she is happy without me then I will do it."

Author's note: Read the full chapter on Inkitt.

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