Chapter 1- "When our eyes met..."

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"Every ending has a new beginning"............ was the thought by which Nandini was consoling her heart. When both the sisters were bidding a final goodbye to their Amms ( grandmother) and approached the entry gate of Chennai International Airport, Nandini was sobbing profoundly. She had never been separated from Amms for so long since her childhood. And now she has to stay away from her for almost 3 yrs. Okay, she can come here to meet her whenever she wants but practically, will it be possible? Will her forthcoming studies and hectic academic schedule allow her to do so? These all fleeting thoughts were perturbing her. She was frequently wiping her tears off which were trickling down her pale cheeks.

"Will you please stop crying now for God sake?"

Navya yelled out finally.

"We are going there for a purpose, not being sent to any confinement or being punished for any wrong deed. Be practical. You are not a kid anymore."

Navya lowered her voice but the damage had already been done as Nandini started whining more noticeably. Being helpless Navya cuddled Nandini and started fondling her hair. Getting warmth and care Nandini gradually stopped weeping. Although Navya is only 30 minutes elder, sometimes she has to play a mother's role in her life.


Cabir was very excited as Nyonika had given him the responsibility to receive Navya and Nandini from the airport and take them to Malhotra Mansion. Cabir was excited to meet Navya after a long time. He grabbed the car keys and headed to parking.

"Hello, Big bro. Seem in a hurry. What's up? Where are you going? Any blind date or something?"

Cabir turned his head and saw Manik's smiling face.

" Oh no buddy, I am not even capable for a date with my open eyes." Cabir chuckled with a nodding head.

"It is entirely your territory. Did you forget that Nandini and Navya are coming today? I am going to take them only."

Hearing this Manik chucked nonchalantly and said,

" Mom might have forgotten to tell me as usual." He waved his hand as pushing away the thought and said,

"Let's go; I am also coming. And obviously driving too."

Cabir nodded his head in disbelief and sat on the passenger seat.


Coming out from the airport both the sisters were searching for a known face as they were informed that Cabir will be coming to receive them. Navya is very much familiar to Cabir face as they often used to chat on Skype and WhatsApp video call. Nonetheless Nandini neither saw Cabir nor Manik for a long time and almost forgot how do they look like now.

"Hey, Madhubala !( Cabir teases Navya by calling her this) Looking fatter than the screen. You seriously need a tough dieting chick ."

Navya spun around and faced Cabir's mocking grin.

"You moron! Have you seen yourself? You are giving really tough competition to a pumpkin. Looser."

Navya rolled her eyes while saying this to Cabir. The catfight will surely persist if Manik and Nandini didn't refrain them.

"Hold on hold on guys. Please continue your stupid fight after reaching home. It's an airport. Not your bedrooms. So chill."

Manik squealed with fake irritation. Nandini for the first time got the chance to plant her eyes on Manik. She was gazing at him. Is it Manik? OMG, he is so damn handsome. Nandini concluded in her mind and suddenly turned crimson. At the same time, Manik looked at her and found her blushing. It's must be Nandini. Hmmmmm Nandu u have become really cute. I just so want to squeeze your chubby cheeks like I used to do. A raunchy smirk appeared on his lips. Their eyes met and locked for a few minutes. One was full of admiration and one had curiosity.

Author's note: Read the story in Inkitt...❤❤❤

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