Chapter 90 - "Ma...nik...Why?"

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"Soha, I know you like Manik. And I also know that you are very desperate to get close to him. But it's a very old trick. I don't believe you. He can never cheat on me. Because there is nothing to cheat. He never hid his true self from me. He is what he is and I respect him for that."

Nandini sternly stated and tried to get up from the chair. It was an open restaurant beside the seashore where Soha invited her. Soha arched her brows at Nandini and uttered in a sarcastic tone,

"Trust is good, Nandini but blind trust is stupidity. It's true that I like Manik; even more, I love him (Nandini's jaws became clenched) but that's not the complete truth. It's not a one-sided love, Nandini. Even he likes me and I am sure he will gradually fall for me too. You don't believe me, right? Okay..then what will you say about this?"


"Sorry, Nandini. I didn't intend to hurt you. I know Manik is your husband and you love him very much. I won't deny that initially, I became jealous of you. The reason is very simple. I love Manik a lot and I thought that he was taking this feeling seriously. After your marriage, I thought that Manik will change and become a one-woman man. But I forgot that people can't change their basic nature. Yesterday he met me and lamented about his tangled life with you. He said that he is stuck with you. He married you because his mother wanted so. You can never match his expectations. He is feeling suffocated in this relationship and wants to be free. That's why he wants you to go to any foreign country. He said that you have become a burden for him and he wants to...."

"ENOUGH....Enough of your lies, Soha. What do you think? By showing some pictures you will be able to make me believe in your cock and bull stories? I know what Manik thinks about me and what I am for him. For your kind information, it's me who wants to go to foreign and not Manik who wants to send me there because of any suffocation."

Nandini shrugged to show her frustration and continued with equal vehemence,

"These pictures depict nothing. You are his so-called friend and Manik is also very friendly with everybody. So, these pictures mean nothing to me."


"Why don't you show this care and anxiety to your younger son when he remains nearby? It will solve so many problems."

Shrikant's grave voice startled Nyonika. She glanced at him and replied in a fake ignorant tone,

"I am not waiting for Manik. Whatever he did, he deserves some punishment."

Shrikant stared up from his laptop screen and narrowed his vision to a pinprick.

"He got enough punishment since his childhood. But wrong punishment can't correct a person. Only love can do. He needs love, Nyo. And this time, I am begging you. Please try to understand him. Handle him with care and compassion. He will change. Change for good."


The video again took a leap. Manik is again facing the camera. His eyes are baffled and vacant.

"Nandini is my mistake. I have to rectify it."

Nandini replayed the last two lines again and again. Suddenly she felt all empty. She heard Soha's mockery inside her head,

"Blind trust is stupidity. He is stuck with you. You have become a burden for him. People can't change their basic nature, Nandini."

With a loud scream, she palmed her both ears,


The car screech stopped before the Malhotra Mansion.

Author's note: Read the full chapter in Inkitt. 

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