Chapter 76 -"I wish I wouldn't have been..."

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A feeling of happiness touched Harshad's heart. Manik was in deep shit and that is because of him. What could be more satisfying? He casually replied,

"That I don't know. I only told you that, last I saw Aryamaan on the terrace. That's it. After that, I left you there. But...hey...why are you interrogating me like CBI? Don't tell me that you fought with Aryamaan on the terrace and you only pushed him from there....ha....ha...Dude, I won't believe you."

"That's why...only that's why I want to know. Harshad, I can't remember anything about that night after I talked to you. I don't even know whom did I meet. Did I fight with anybody or harm anybody? I can't even recollect how I reached my house and why did I do that to Nan..."

Manik halted his tongue as Cabir's warning crossed his mind. However, Harshad's eyes flicked to listen to this slightest hint. He neared him and sat on the couch facing him.

"Maybe because of the alcohols. You were a bit drunk, Man. I could feel it. Even Nandini was upset with you. By the way, what did you just say? You did something with Nandini. What? You fought with her too? Oh, and your anger will put you in big trouble one day."

Harshad shrugged and faked his concern. Manik leapt up like a torn bow. He mumbled under his surging breath,

"I am in a trouble because of somebody and I have to find it out."

Without looking back or saying any bye, Manik bailed out leaving behind Harshad with his sinister smile. He alluded,

"You are in trouble becauseof me, my dear friend and I am enjoying it because the more you will be introuble, the more it will give me peace. Mr Manik Shrikant Malhotra...check andmate..ha..ha..ha."


"Arya talked to you! What did he tell? What's bothering you?"

For a moment, Vibha kept silent and then she mouthed in a perplexed tone,

"He wants me to save Nandini from Manik and I don't know what does it mean. I could have thought that it might be his delirium because of his injury but he didn't seem to be any kind of comatose. Rather he was too firm in his words. Now, tell me what are all these? As far I know, Nandini is Manik's wife and he loves her very much. By the way, have you talked to Nandini after the party night? She was abruptly missing and somehow, it doesn't suit her responsible nature."

Vibha folded her lips while shrugging. It showed that she was totally confused. Mukti clenched her jaws and uttered with tenacity,

"Yes, he does. He loves her immensely but sometimes, love crosses its limit and becomes an obsession. I hope Manik's love hasn't crossed its rein. I wish so."


"Ma'am, don't get up. You are weak. You are injured. What do you want? You want to go to the washroom? Okay, let me help you."

She tried to hold Nandini from her shoulder. Nandini looked at her vacantly. She was feeling the pressure and she desperately needed to release it. The nurse gave her support and Nandini got up from the bed. In the next moment, it seemed that the whole world spun in front of her eyes. She staggered and closed her eyes.

"Be careful, Mrs Malhotra..if you want I can give you the urinal."

The nurse uttered concernedly. The word Mrs Malhotra poured like a molten lead into Nandini's ears. She muttered ruefully,

"I wish I wouldn't have been."

Author's note: The full chapter is on Inkitt.

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