Chapter 74 -"I won't let my family suffer..."

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“Sir, you have been sitting over here since the morning. I didn’t see you even have something. Like this, you will stress your body. Why don’t you take some rest, Sir? I am here. Nothing to worry about.”

Manik was gazing at Nandini's bed. His eyes were vacant. He unmindfully replied,

"Iam alright. Nothing will happen to me. I will be here." 

The determinationof his voice brought an admiration in her eye. She smilingly stated, 

"Madam is very lucky, Sir. She got such a lovable and caring husband like you. She is really luc..." 

Her praise got halted by Manik's growl, 

"Shut up! You are not here for judging who is lucky and how much lucky. Neither you know anything about me. So, shut up!" 

The nurse flinched and meeked out a sorry. Manik fisted his hair in frustration and came to the balcony. His eyes were red in fury. 

"No one should be lucky like her. No one should have a husband like me." 

He mumbled under his surging breath and pinched his nose bridge. His head was heavy like a stone. He needed sleep but the irony was sleep was far away from his tired eyes. 


"Your blood report. There are traces of drugs in your blood. Crystal Meth. High dose. Now, tell me when did you take the dose?Manik, at last, you have started doing drugs? Unthinkable." 

Fire sparked in Manik's eyes. He hissed out,

"I have never had drugs. Crystal Meth. Impossible." 

"Medical report can't lie, Bro. If you haven't taken then your food or drinks must have been spiked. Try to remember, since when you started feeling unnatural? Try to remember, Manik. It's very important. We have to find out the person who drugged you. And he or she must have some reason behind it.One more thing. Have you met and talked to Aryamaan last night? Manik, you have to recall all these things. There is a lot of mess you have created and I want to clear it. I don't know how much I can but at least I won't let you be punished out of a conspiracy."

Cabir sounded obstinate.


"Before that soup, how many drinks you had? I mean before that, did you feel any dizziness or uneasiness?"

"Bro, you know that alcohol doesn't affect me that much. I was quiet in my sense I guess as I didn't have that much to be passed out." 

Manik gave his logic. Cabir exhaled sharply and mouthed, 

"That means that soup had that drug. Most probably. But you said that soup was ordered by Nandini. Does that mean someone mixed the drug in that soup to trap Nandini? And then accidentally you had it. Oh's terrible! Who could do it?" 

Manik parted his lips to reply when someone knocked at the door. 

Author's note: Read the full chapter in Inkitt. 

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