Chapter 104 - "Please let me go..."

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"How can I drop my exams? If I don't pass then how will I get a job? I have to get a job. For me, for my..."

She kept on murmuring while placing her hand on her lower abdomen. Tears brimmed her eyes. At that point, no rational thoughts came into her mind. She didn't know how long she was adrift in her fleeting thoughts. Suddenly, the taxi stopped with a jerk. Nandini got startled and her trance broke. She looked all around. The taxi was standing on a bleak road outside of the main Mumbai city. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she couldn't realise when the cab took a turn and came out of the hustle-bustle of the city. Nandini was looking perplexedly out of the window glasses, trying to recognize the place. Her heartbeat surged with an uncanny fear.

"What is this place? Where did you get me? I will go to Worli."

She mouthed worriedly. Only then, her eyes fell on the front rearview mirror and the reflection of the man who is driving the car hitched her breath. A dreadful yell escaped her mouth,



"I will bring her back. If she left us because of me then she will come back because of me only. I won't let her go with my happiness. My baby. She can't take this decision all alone. She can't. She has to come back."

Nyonika ignored the glacial tenacity in her son's voice rather the line, 'My baby' grabbed her all attention. She clutched him by his biceps and chided,

"What did you say? My baby! Is she..."

Manik concluded her line in a steely voice,

"Yes, she is carrying my baby. Your grandchild."


Harshad paused for a moment and then again hissed out,

"Let me kill you right here right now and made him realise how it feels when our loved ones leave us. Manik loves you a lot, right so let's finish that reason. You know for the first time I saw you, I fell for you, Nandini. can't say it's love because I don't believe in love but you can't say it's mere lust too. You have something which makes me crazy for you. Yes, I envy Manik because he has you. But not anymore. I will make you mine, Nandini and after that even you won't be able to return to him."

In a blink of an eye, Harshad came into the back seat and grabbed Nandini's hand to pull her towards him. A dreadful wail spurted from Nandini's open mouth. Her eyes were wide open in fear. In a pleading tone, she shot her last weapon,

"Harshad...I am pregnant. Please let me go..."

Author's note: Read the full chapter in Inkitt.

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