Chapter 86 - "It will be the end of our relationship..."

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"Yes, you have made the biggest mistake of...your life...and that is....that is to love me....Why are good?"

Aliya's words confused him more. He cupped her face and looked into her brimming eyes.

"If loving you is the biggest mistake then I will make this mistake again and again. And who said that I am pure and good. Umhu....I am just a normal guy who has jealousy, anger, insecurity and immense love for you. Now tell me, why are you crying? Is it because of Harshad? Did you know that...."

Aliya didn't let him finish and concluded,

"I know what he did and because of that Nandini and Aryamaan are suffering. And he did all these because of me."

She scoffs and continued,

"And God punished him too. But why you? You haven't done anything wrong with anyone then why God is punishing you for loving me?"

"What are you saying Aliya? God...punishment! Please say clearly. Don't scare me."

He uttered with worry and bafflement. Aliya rested her palm on his hand and mouthed in a trembling voice,

"I got my test report. It's Uterine cancer in... advanced stage."

For a minute, Dhruv's whole body became numb. He forgot to react, still holding her face between his palms. Aliya's eyes got blurred. She again said,

"I am sorry....I am so..rr..y...."


"I am a bit occupied, Soha. I will talk to you later."

He was about to hang the call when Soha's sarcastic tone was heard,

"Your occupation may cost you, Manik. It's for your benefit only. Trust me. You won't be disappointed."

Manik's grimaced in exasperation. These silly talks were pushing him to the brim of losing patience. This time his tone became rude.

"Look, Soha...I don't have so much frivolous time to spend with you. If you are feeling lonely then go to any pub. I hope you will get your desired company. But spare me. I am really not interested."

He again tried to tap the red button but Soha's next word startled him.

"Then you may be interested in Arya's case. Meet me Manik. I know everything and I think you won't want everyone to know that everything."


"My anger is justified and your lies? Are they also justified?"

"Lies...what lies? What the hell are you talking about? Navya, can't you raise a topic normally. Why do you always remain in a hostile mode? It's really disturbing."

Cabir glanced at the file but still didn't get anything. He got down from the bed and countered her with the same pique. But his exasperation turned to shock when Navya smacked his cheek with her palm. She almost screamed in rage,

"Normally! My sister has been raped, her husband is the prime suspect, my fiancé lied to me to shield his pervert brother and I have to take all these things normally. What a joke! I got her medical report damn it."

Before Cabir could react Navya pulled him with his collar.

"Look, Mr Cabir Malhotra. Don't think that you both can do anything with us because we are orphans and in your shelter. I will go to court. I will get justice for Nandini. Your monster brother will be behind the bar...I swear."

Author's note: Read the full chapter in Inkitt.

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