Chapter 77 - "You wanted to hide a crime..."

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"I came here to discuss that only. I had to come out of the house because I had to meet Harshad. Don't worry, Nandini is sleeping. So, Mom won't disturb her. I talked to Navya's college dean and he has extended the camp duration. Now, Navya will come on the next week. Now, listen to me carefully. Harshad told me that I probably met Aryamaan on the terrace after I drank that soup. He also told that I was mad at him. Cabir, I think I did something very bad to Aryamaan too. I guess that was not an accident rather I..."

He couldn't finish as Cabir leapt up from his seat.

"I knew it....I so knew it...Fuck!...What the mess you have created, Manik! What the hell should I do to save you?"

He sounded helpless while running his fingers through his hair.


For a brief moment, Manik remained silent and then profoundly mouthed,

"He said that I was a bit drunk that night and Nandini was upset with me. But my question is how did he know that Nandini was upset because of me? Till now, he never admitted that Nandini met him. Neither I remember she was talking to him before I drank that soup. Then it is clear that Harshad must have talked to her after I got intoxicated or he is lying."

Cabir and Manik's eyes remained locked for a while. Both were trying to solve the puzzle. Cabir parted his lips and muttered,

"Definitely he is lying or maybe he is hiding something. But what?"

"Maybe the truth behind all these messes. Maybe he knows what exactly happened that night and who did it.."

Manik calculated.

"Or maybe he only did it. He is a pro in this game. He did the same thing with me.."


"Hi, Manik. Long time no see. Sorry, I couldn't make it to come to the party. That's why I specially came today to meet you. Hope you liked my surprised visit."

Her voice had clear enticement. Manik looked at her with irritation. Soha was standing in front of him almost touching her front to his chest. Manik stepped back to maintain a decent distance.

"I am sorry, Soha. I am a bit busy right now. You sit. Have some coffee. Raghuuuu..."

Manik shouted for the servant. Soha again forwarded and this time she placed her palm on Manik's chest.

"I haven't come here to have coffee, dear. I can sit if you give me company...otherwise...."


Mukti's voice had clear sarcasm. Nyonika wobbled and sighed and left from there. She didn't want to witness bother and sister's banter. Manik tried to say something but suddenly Mukti slapped him with full force. Both Cabir and Manik scandalized for a moment. However, Mukti didn't give them any scope to react and grabbed Manik's hand to pull him to Cabir's room. All three came into Cabir's room and Mukti locked the door. Cabir and Manik were still perplexed to see Mukti's sudden outburst. Cabir neared her and sceptically asked,

"Muktidi, I know you are upset. We didn't tell you anything but it's just because we..."

Mukti concluded while honouring both of her brothers with a splenetic look,

"Because you wanted to hide a crime..."

Author's note: Read the full chapter in Inkitt.

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