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this was the original idea from a roleplay, but was scrapped as a poll had results of it being more mild angst instead of intense




trigger warning:


Ranboo blinked, feeling the numbness melt away. They looked down at their hands and their eyes grew wide. Their breathing started growing shaky and he looked around in a crazed look.

No.. No no no no no no no.

They quickly ran to the body laying unmoving in the corner, tears burning at their eyes as they bit them back.

They looked over the body, their hands shaking. He couldn't... He.. He shouldn't... He... He...

Ranboo pulled Michael close to their chest, letting out the most terrifying scream. A heart breaking scream. The scream a mother lets out once her child is found dead.

They were begging and begging that this was just a sick nightmare. That they were going to wake up any second and see Michael laughing as he was jumping on Ranboo to wake them up.

They didn't.

Their eyes were screwed shut, gripping onto Michael with tight hands. They wanted to cry... They wanted to cry so much.

But it hurt. It hurt so much. They couldn't cry..

They heard someone enter and Ranboo opened their eyes, looking up at them with a terrified look.


It was Dream looking back at them with that sick sick smile. Ranboo's voice was shaky as they asked "W-Who did this..?" Dream smirked and said "Whatever do you mean~? You did this."

Ranboo's eyes grew wide "N-No! I.. I couldn't have! I didn't- I wouldn't- I- I-" "You did. I watched you do it with my own eyes" Ranboo shook his head "No.. I.. I couldn't have-"

"Oh~ Ranboo. You did. You just don't remember. And besides. I know you too well. You were just hoping that he'd be killed. Oh! You just craved it. You always thought of it." Dream rested a hand on Ranboo's chin, making them look up at him.

Ranboo avoided eye contact "No... I.. I didn't want this! I never wanted Michael to die..." Dream laughed "Then why did you do it? Why did you attack him? Why... Did you smile ever so big and ever so sickly when you finally complete the job~?"

Ranboo screwed his eyes shut "You're not real. You're not real. You're not real. You're not-"

Dream cut him off "You're right. This isn't real. Just like I'm not real~. Just like he's isn't real~." He laughed maniacally "Just. Like. You're. Not. Real~. Are you actually sure if everything around you is real~? Are you actually positive that your life is even real~? You don't even seem real. You don't even look real. You. Are. Not. Real"

Ranboo's eyes snapped open, but all they could see was themself and Dream. All they could see was Michael on their lap. They weren't... They weren't real. They weren't real...

They saw Dream smirk even more and start circling Ranboo's body. Ranboo felt cold. They felt so off and yet so close. They felt like they were watching this all from an outside prospective.

Their breathing was shaky and their body had dug itself into a ball. They felt so numb.. They saw Dream continue to circle them, feeling him whisper harsh words to them.

They then saw Dream pull at their ears and horns, repeating over and over again that Ranboo was a monster.

That Ranboo would always be a monster. That Ranboo would continue hurting people because they were just a freak of nature. Ranboo tried to cover their ears, but they couldn't. Their arms couldn't seem to work.

All they could do was sit there and take it all.

Dream suddenly pulled to a stop and forced Ranboo to look them dead in eyes as he spat poisonous words at them. Dream then let go of Ranboo harshly, knocking them back with a smirk. He walked out of the room, leaving Ranboo to stay ever so numb.

They couldn't move. They couldn't even tell if this was real or not. They couldn't tell if they were real. They were covered in blood. Their son's blood.

They didn't have anyone to help comfort them... They didn't have anyone to tell him that this wasn't real. They didn't have anyone at all.

Everyone abandoned them when they needed them all... Everyone he considered his "friends" were nowhere to be found

Ranboo closed their eyes and they breathed out three words "⏁⊑⟟⌇ ⟟⌇⋏'⏁ ⍀⟒⏃⌰..." (This isn't real...) before they fell limp.


(fun fact: this was my first time writing depersonalization and derealization)

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