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"Come on! Let's dance!" Tubbo heard the ghost speak before him, staring at them holding their hand out.

He started to breathing fast, his hands shaking. He was scared. But this was his husband.



This wasn't his husband. His husband had warm eyes. The braid of theirs always a bit messy. Slouched over and always a slight purple dusted over their cheeks at the sight of Tubbo. Heavy bags under their eyes and a small tired smile. Laughs that felt like the sun was shining down on him.

This.. was someone else. Someone unrecognizable. This ghost had cold eyes, standing tall. A large gash upon their chest. A eery smile always plastered on their face. A laugh that chilled the room. Sulken eyes and no bags under their eyes. They weren't his husband...

His husband was home and the ghost floating before him was like the ghost town Tubbo built...

Tubbo took a step away away from Ghostboo and shook his head. Ghostboo fake pouted "Aw. Why? Aren't you happy to see your new and improved husband?" They took a step forward.

Tubbo felt like it was getting hard to breathe. It felt like he was suffocating. This wasn't his husband. Ghostboo wasn't. Ghostboo never would be.

His husband was kind and considerate and always made sure Tubbo was okay. He loved them even if they were a people pleaser. Even if they did pick people who Tubbo didn't like...

The ghost before them was.. completely different. Like as if someone had flicked a switch on their husband and now.. They're apathetic.


"Get. Away." Tubbo growled, seeing Ghostboo come closer. Ghostboo stopped and spoke "I really did think you would be happy now that I'm much happier"

'They're happier?' Tubbo asked himself 'How the hell could someone be happier when dead?'

Ghostboo smiled with that sick smile "Now i don't have to be stressed about all of these things. Do you know how annoying it was to constantly carry about grass?"

Tubbo's lips remained in a firm line. Ranboo loved grass blocks. He knew they did.

Ghostboo hummed "Come on. Quit being selfish and be happy your husband is happy now"

"You're not my husband anymore" Tubbo hissed.

It hurt him to hear Ghostboo call him selfish - it really did. Tubbo wasn't even being selfish. right..? He didn't think he was but..

He shook his head of the thoughts and Ghostboo said, smiling "You're right. I remember that I said till death do us part." Tubbo nodded small. He hated hearing Ghostboo discuss the fact that they agreed till death. He's glad they agree though. Because he wouldn't want to deal with Ghostboo for forever.

Tubbo would've spoke but Ghostboo said something first "I have to leave now, my lovely exe husband. The old man messaged me about having to meet. I bid you adieu!" Ghostboo floated off and Tubbo was left, releasing a breath he'd been holding the entire time.

Tubbo retreated back into the mansion, forgetting the whole reason he left it in the first place. It wasn't anything too important if he couldn't remember.

As he walked, he remembered all the promises he and Ranboo had spoke to each other. How they'd both stay together forever and always. How all of the troubles of the world could never beat them both down if they had each other. How they both could help each other through all of the hurdles in life...

But now? Tubbo desperately needed Ranboo and Ranboo was breaking the promise. Tubbo had a giant hurdle of problems that he was struggling to climb up. He needed Ranboo there to give him that last final push over and... Ranboo wasn't anywhere near. Ranboo wasn't here anymore...

For the first time since Tommy's death... Tubbo broke down crying.

He was sitting beside the still standing decorated Christmas tree, curled up under a thin blanket. He sobbed into the tall pillow he plastered the face of his husband onto, wishing they were here to pat his back and tell him reassuring words and tell him it'll all be okay and just... cheer him up.

Tubbo wasn't a very touchy person - in fact he hated it - but... With Ranboo, he couldn't help melting in their gentle touch. How their gentle touch felt like a cloud. How them hugging him felt warm like the sun... and he'll never have it again.

he'll never have his husband back ever again...

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