totally not a scene that happened in one of my roleplays- /s
-mention of manipulation
-mention of gaslighting
-this might not be canon personalities, so just take these as hcs
-this is just a scene from a roleplay---
Ranboo and Tubbo walked deep into the forest. It was quiet between them both, but that was okay. They enjoyed the comfortable silence.
Tubbo stared at a squirrel that stopped before them both. Tubbo glanced at Ranboo, who looked like he was about to adopt a new pet, before looking at the squirrel "Can I kick it?"
Ranboo blinked before looking at Tubbo "No. It hasn't done anything to be a threat to me or you" Tubbo pouted "but it looks kickable.." Ranboo rolled his eyes and mumbled "You look kickable too, but you don't see me kicking you"
Tubbo gasped "Fuck you!" Ranboo chuckled and shrugged "It's the truth" "Yknow what-" Tubbo said, kicking Ranboo square in the gut harshly "kickable my ass" he growled.
Ranboo fell over and started fake crying, completely in pain. "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET, HA!" Tubbo cheered, staring down at Ranboo with a smirk. Ranboo started to stand back up once he recovered "I didn't do anything! I was just telling you you looked kickable!"
Tubbo stuck his tongue out and Ranboo said "You know what? That's it!" He picked Tubbo up by his armpits, this time being the one smirking "you don't get to walk"
"NOOOO" Tubbo shouted, thrashing around madly. Ranboo said, squinting "Yes. You kicked me so now you don't get to walk" Tubbo continued madly thrashing around "NOOOOOOOO" Ranboo said "If you want to be let free, then apologize for kicking me"
"You do realize that I can just kick you again then run away, right?" Tubbo said. Ranboo stared at Tubbo blankly "Try kicking me. I dare you" "I would but you have long noodle arms. Be grateful I don't feel like breaking them right now" Tubbo said, rolling his eyes.
"You wouldn't even dare break my arms" Ranboo hummed. Tubbo growled "I would." 'just like I broke your goddamn horn.' he thought. Ranboo sighed "... Fine" he let Tubbo go and got all pouty. "Good." Tubbo said
"You're so mean to me"
"Well you're not any better-" Tubbo huffed, walking again. "What is that supposed to mean?" Ranboo said, following quickly behind Tubbo. "Oh, I don't know. You gaslighted me, manipulated me... so much more" Tubbo said sarcastically, stopping and glaring at Ranboo.
Ranboo blinked and asked "When did this even happen?" Tubbo said, poison on his tongue "When we were traveling to this place and getting away from L'manburg. You used your memory issues as an excuse to get out of trouble. I caught on not too long ago."
Ranboo didn't even realize that he was doing this "It's because I really can't remember. It's not my fault that my memory is so faulty."
Tubbo said, getting more and more upset "I understand that but it was getting to the point where almost every single fucking day you would make up lies about your memory. Oh I forgot this, oh I forgot that- It's stupid."
"Maybe it's because my memory really was that terrible" Ranboo knew why their memory was that bad, but he couldn't say anything about it. They couldn't bring himself to say it "Have you ever thought of that?" He was trying not to get angry.
"Your memory is not that bad, Ranboo!" Tubbo seemed pissed. "You kept saying that every single fucking day! I know your memory isn't that bad because we've been together for 3 months, I know what your memory issues are!"
"How can you know what my memory issues are like when i don't even know myself?! How do you know when I can't even remember who you and Michael are most of the time without a... A stupid book..? You don't know me, Tubbo. And I'm sorry to say it, but I don't even know you..." Ranboo said, feeling burning at his eyes
"I don't know your favorite color or how many friends you have or... Or what your past is like... You don't know me and i don't know you..." He continued, trying to contain his anger. He was angry, yes, but he knew he had to keep it down. He knew how scary he was when angry.
Tubbo irritably glared at Ranboo for a few moments before turning back around and walking angrily. He remained silent and left Ranboo standing alone.
Ranboo felt guilt starting to wash over him and he breathed out a heavy sigh once he saw Tubbo walk off. Shoot. He most likely just wrecked their relationship with Tubbo. He felt heavy with guilt now.
He quickly followed after Tubbo, their tail tucked between their legs in shame. He wanted to apologize... His eyes were on the ground as they wished that end didn't ask that stupid question. They both could've been happy and laughing if he didn't do that.
Tubbo made his way to a clearing, still a ton of trees around. He stood in the middle of the clearing, sighing and trying to calm himself. Ranboo had followed Tubbo to the field area and stood for a while, staring at him.
Ranboo had remembered the exact reason as to why his memory was so faulty... But they couldn't spit it out... He never could be able to spit it out...
He walked over to the field and sat a bit away from Tubbo, hugging his knees as they felt more and more guilty. He whispered softly "I'm sorry" He didn't even know if Tubbo heard... Tubbo had sat down as well, flicking an ear. Because of that, it was clear that he heard what Ranboo said but mainly chose not to say anything for now.
Heavy. Ranboo felt so extremely heavy. But he couldn't even cry. He fell backwards, staring up at the sky while he was laying down. He were still whispering "I wasn't me when all that happened... And I'm sorry for that. It's my fault, I know, and I don't deserve your trust... And I don't blame you for hurting me before... It wasn't your fault..."
He was talking about when Tubbo had first admitted he hated him "I just want to make amends and forget about everything bad that ever happened..." Tubbo signed and laid down next to him, hugging their arm. "Just be quiet.." Ranboo hugged Tubbo tightly. He had shut up and just... Didn't want to let go...
Tubbo hugged Ranboo back, remaining silent for a while. Finally he spoke up "I'm being stupid, I'm the one who should be apologizing, Boo. It's my fault for bringing up that stuff when it wasn't even related to the conversation."
"No no.. You... You called me out on something I wasn't aware of. It was a good call to bring it up... It's good to be aware..." Ranboo slightly sat up and looked at Tubbo with soft eyes. Tubbo narrowed his eyes "Yeah, I guess so.."
Ranboo sighed and looked away, laying back once more "... Next time... Next time when this happens, can you please tell me that I'm being a bad person..? And if you don't see me changing, that you'll leave me..? I don't want to see you in pain..."
Tubbo looked over at Ranboo "Boo, you don't know how hard it'll be for me to just leave you. You're one of the few people I actually trust with my entire heart, and I love you far too much to even think about it. That's why I was so possessive and demanding when you were thinking about leaving.. I'm just scared of getting the one I really love taken away right then and there."
Ranboo sighed and glanced over at Tubbo "That's the same reason why i had thought of leaving at first... I love you so much that I was willing to let you go... I was scared that if stayed, the one person who I've truly ever fully loved with my entire living body could get torn right away from me..."
He looked away and stared at the sky "I wouldn't even want you to leave me.. I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I had truly fully let you go... Because.. Well.. You were the first person who I felt like I could be... Normal around... You.. Make me a better person. And you're the thing in my life that's encouraging me to get better..."
Tubbo just fell silent after hearing what Ranboo said, still hugging him tightly. Ranboo didn't say anything either. He was just hugging Tubbo tightly, scared that if he let go, they'll forget.
there was more to this, but I decided not to put it as it didn't exactly fit the plot in this one shot

bee duo (one shots book)
Fanfiction[art by: @inkcube_ on twitter] hello and welcome! a few quick notes: -these characters do not belong to me -smvt WILL NOT be written as it's heavily against both of their boundaries -i can turn down requests if I'm uncomfortable -alot of these cha...