ps. I only watched like... one or two streams of osmp so be wary that they won't act how they usually do
Ranboo let out a shaky breath before walking into the pube. Tommy had said Tubbo was here and she needed to talk to him. She had been considering this conversation for a while now and it wasn't until Tommy practically forced her into coming up here that she was willing to talk to Tubbo about it. I mean. How would he even react? Neither of them seemed to like the other, even if...
She stared around the pube, trying to spot Tubbo. She's gonna have Tommy's wings chopped off if he was lying about Tubbo being up here because she didn't like embarrassing herself. Thankfully, she didn't need to do that because she saw Tubbo talking to Sneeg about... something. Who knows. She forced back a smile that was trying to grow onto her face as she walked over to Tubbo.
"Can I talk to you?"
Tubbo jumped and stared at her "Why?" Ranboo rolled her eyes and scoffed "Because I have something to talk to you about. Be grateful I actually want to talk to you." Tubbo glared and said "No. I'm talking to Sneeg. Whatever you need to talk about can wait."
Ranboo huffed and would've walked away if Tommy didn't show up out of nowhere saying "She has something really important to tell you because I had to spend the last hour convincing her to talk to you"
Ranboo's face burned purple in embarrassment and she glared at Tommy "Tommy! Shut up!" Tubbo's face turned to confusion and he tilted his head "Huh?" Ranboo didn't look at him because she knew if she did she would melt into a puddle. Tommy gently nudged Ranboo and grinned "Go. Tell him, pussy"
Ranboo let out a small sigh before whispering to Tommy "He's talking to Sneeg" Tommy blinked and whispered back "That has never stopped you before" Ranboo crossed her arms, frowning a little and Tommy turned towards Tubbo and Sneeg "Anyways. Sneeg, Phil said he wanted to discuss some stuff with you. I don't know what it is, but he said something about rats or... something."
Sneeg's eyes brightened and he quickly said "Bye Tubbo! This skrunkly little guy has to gooooo" With that, the inchling scrambled off and Tubbo sighed "There. He's gone now. Now what's so important you had to talk to me?" Ranboo opened and closed her mouth, glancing toward Tommy. She saw he was nodding and she glanced around the Pube, growing a little anxious "Can... We talk in the flower field down below..?"
Tubbo stared for a while before noticing anxiety showing a little on her face. He crossed his arms and began floating "Lead the way." Ranboo immediately turned on her heel and walked out of the pube, teleporting down onto the ground as Tubbo flew down behind her.
Once Tubbo landed on the ground, the two headed over to the flower field. With every step, Ranboo grew more and more nervous. Tommy insisted that Tubbo would react positively, but what if he didn't? What if he laughed in her face or told her that it would never happen or he even told the entire server that the exiled ender princess caught feelings for a bee?
She didn't even know if Tommy was lying when he said Tubbo liked her back. What purpose would Tubbo have in liking her back? Almost every interaction she's had with him seemed negative. Why should she deserve him to love her back..?
"What did you have to talk to me about?"
"Huh?" Ranboo murmured, snapping out of her thoughts and realizing they both were standing by a tree in the flower field. "What did you have to talk to me about?" The bee asked, both of them now sitting beneath the tree. Ranboo opened and closed her mouth, debating on what choice words will leave her mouth. Lying wasn't on the table because Tommy had talked long with her about how she can't keep on avoiding the topic. Now she'll need to tell him.
"Right. So. Flat out, if I hear you telling anyone else about this, I'm going to de-wing you myself." Ranboo threatened, glaring him down. "Fine. Whatever. What is it?" Tubbo scoffed, rolling his eyes. Ranboo stared him dead in the eyes before looking away "To not drag this on longer than it needs to, the long story short is, it seems- No. I do. I have romantic feelings for you."
She sighed softly, her voice growing quieter "I have. For a while. Since the first day we met, actually. I've been too scared to tell you.." Silence followed after what she said and she looked at Tubbo. His face showed no reaction and Ranboo's ears folded back, immediately assuming the worst. "But it seems you don't like me back. Uhm.. that's okay." She quickly said, getting ready to leave.
"No. Wait."
Ranboo jumped at Tubbo grabbing her wrist, and making her turn back to face him. Tubbo sighed "I... I like you back too. Sorry. It took me a moment to really.. process what you said." Ranboo's entire face burned purple and she murmured a small "Oh" Tubbo nodded before clearing his throat "I've liked you since we both met as well. I would've told you sooner, but... You were kinda a self-obsessed prick and I didn't want to feed into your ego."
Ranboo glared at him "Hey!" Tubbo laughed a little and hummed "It's true. I'm genuinely surprised you liked me" Ranboo nodded small "Yeah... I can guess why. I was surprised when I realized I liked you as well." Tubbo chuckled and said "Glad we were both surprised by your feelings" Ranboo smiled before saying "I'm surprised you liked me back... I know how I can get.."
Tubbo shrugged "Well. You're so incredibly pretty. Who wouldn't have caught feelings for you?" Ranboo's face grew purple and she hid it with her arm "Oh shut up" Tubbo laughed and pulled her arm away "Nah"
The two looked at each other for a while, a comfortable silence growing before Tubbo mumbled "Oh right. Since we both like each other... Would you like to be more than friends...?" A shy smile grew on his lips and Ranboo tilted her head "What would that mean..?" Tubbo hummed "Well... It means you would become my girlfriend and me, your boyfriend.." Ranboo's eyebrow cocked in confusion "Huh?"
Tubbo stared at her before his eyes grew wide "You don't know what those are, do you?" Ranboo shook her head and Tubbo murmured "Oh queens.." before clearing his throat "Okay. So boyfriend and girlfriend are just terms to show we are dating" Ranboo stayed quiet and Tubbo almost immediately knew she didn't know what that meant either.
"Okay. Dating is where two people, sometimes it could be more but for us, it's just us two, are in a stage where we just do romantic shit and get to know each other before we decide that "hey this is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with" and get married" Tubbo explained. Ranboo's face lit up and she said "Oh! Just like the marriage process in the End! How long does it typically last?"
Tubbo hummed before saying "Sometimes some people get married after a year of dating, others after many many many years. Really depends on the relationship.." Ranboo hummed quietly "Huh," She then smiled "It sounds nice" Tubbo nodded "It is nice" Ranboo looked at him and nodded back "Sure. I would love to be your... is it girlfriend?" Tubbo nodded once again, an affectionate smile on his face "Yes. You'd be my girlfriend"
Ranbko grinned widely "I would love to be your girlfriend" Tubbo grinned as well "That's good.." Ranboo grabbed him carefully and pulled him into a hug, to which Tubbo curled into and hugged her back. Both were so incredibly happy to have their feelings for the other out in the air and mutual.
"Who do you wanna tell about us dating?" Tubbo asked, looking up at her. Ranboo murmured "Well... Tommy, obviously. Phil... Sneeg, I guess. Wilbur.." The two continued talking back and forth as to who they wanted to tell.
After a while, Ranboo and Tubbo fell into a nice peaceful, and quiet bliss. Ranboo couldn't wait to tell Tommy. He would be... relieved, to say the least. He seemed to be getting annoyed with how much she was trying to push these feelings away and hide from them.
She glanced over to Tubbo who was staring at her with the most love she's ever seen in his eyes and his cheeks began burning red when he realized he was caught. Ranboo let out a small giggle "You're so cute" She murmured with a grin. Tubbo hid his face in the top pair of his arms and Ranboo laughed a little. God did she love him so much...

bee duo (one shots book)
Fanfiction[art by: @inkcube_ on twitter] hello and welcome! a few quick notes: -these characters do not belong to me -smvt WILL NOT be written as it's heavily against both of their boundaries -i can turn down requests if I'm uncomfortable -alot of these cha...