[a beautiful bouquet]<angst>

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in honor of the bee duo disagreement that happened in tubbo's lore stream of august 4th, 2021




-hanahaki disease au
-mention of blood
-one sided love


-dmsp characters
-as far as i'm aware the content creators are okay with their characters' marriage being portrayed as romantic. if this has changed, please do tell me
-this is non canon


Ranboo couldn't remember when he started coughing up flower petals. It just... Started happening one day. It was a little bit. At least one or two small little petals. He just assumed that he might've been eating flowers during his Enderwalk.

Especially since they were pink tulips. Tulips were Tubbo's favorite flower.

Enderwalk liked Tubbo as much as Ranboo loved Tubbo. So he wouldn't blame himself for eating things that reminded him of Tubbo.

And then he started coughing up a little bit of blood with the petals. That's what caused some concern. But still nothing to mention with anyone. He's coughed up blood before.

For the next 1 or 2 months, Ranboo only started feeling worse. He would start coughing petals and blood up more and more often.

At the same time, he found himself unknowningly catching feelings for Tubbo. Falling for every single thing Tubbo did.

Little did Ranboo know...

Ranboo was now starting to cough up full on flowers every now and then, blood coming out with them. And still.. No one knew about the flowers.

Ranboo sighed softly as he stood in the Ranvan, awaiting at least someone to come by. When he saw Tubbo's face, he felt... Sick. And tired. But he pushed it down. Because this was his husband.

As they discussed their topics, Ranboo felt fine. A bit.. Sad. And sadly... Started to lose his trust in Tubbo. He wouldn't even meet his eye. But Tubbo didn't notice.

Tubbo then asked a question that just.. Made Ranboo feel hurt. Why didn't Ranboo tell Wilbur that they married for tax purposes.

Why did Tubbo have to add that last part..?

As soon as Ranboo heard that last part, he felt... So extremely upset. And could feel the flowers wanting to come up. He quickly gave an answer, stuttering over his words. But Tubbo didn't notice. Tubbo never noticed.

Ranboo felt trapped. Sick. Like he couldn't get out. He wanted to escape, but this was Tubbo. His husband. He needed to stay and listen to him.. But he didn't know how long he could feel this nauseated before he would have to throw the flowers up.

And the fact that Tubbo just.. Basically gave the cookie shop away to Las Nevadas didn't help. Ranboo had worked so hard on it, making sure Tubbo was happy. Making sure Tubbo would smile.

And Tubbo just gave it up so easily...

Was Tubbo giving up on their marriage too..? Did... Tubbo never truly care about their marriage..? Was the marriage just a simple... Tax benefit to Tubbo?

Ranboo could feel steam slightly coming from his eyes as he made up a weak excuse before rushing away. He felt so sick. Dizzy. He wanted to throw up.

He ran and ran, far away where no one could find him for a bit. He fell on his hands and knees by a tree and just... Threw up.

He felt so much pain within him. He was wheezing for air, his lungs feeling like they're being stabbed by thorns each time he took a breath. His heart felt like it was being squeezed.

His vision was blurry and all he could see was a puddle of blood. And in that blood was a beautiful bouquet of pink tulips. He felt so tired. And sleepy. And just wanted to go to sleep. He collapsed down, his body growing weaker and weaker by the second.

In his final moments of having three lives, he was alone. He always imagined him losing his first life with Tubbo making sure it would be painless. But here he was. Dying because of Tubbo and... Alone. Utterly alone.

Ranboo didn't return that night. And Tubbo... Tubbo didn't realize that Ranboo wasn't in bed. Not until it was too late.


the best you'll get for a speedran one shot.

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