[sleep](pt 2)<fluff(?)>

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i am so sorry that i haven't been posting. a depression has been holding me down as well as school making me really busy, and the lack of beeduo has been getting me down. chapters will most likely become more and more inconsistent until i can regain motivation.


Tubbo woke up from a rather peaceful dream, making a small groaning noise as he went to stretch where he laid. However, it fell short when he felt someone holding him and him holding them. He looked up wearily and saw the familiar black and white of the minutesman he assigned.

His entire face burned red in embarrassment and grew still, doing his best not to wake them as he craned his neck to look around. He must've fallen asleep at the office. When did...

Oh, right. 'Ranbo' must've brought him to sleep on the sofa. He searched deep into his memory and fought his tail from wagging happily when he realized that the dream of spending a night with the half enderman must've been something real. They already had no backbone, so he was sure they had no choice but to climb beside him because the president asked them of it.

He let out a small, shaky breath, looking back at their face. They looked so... calm without any stresses filling it. He knew them to be someone anxious, always overthinking and constantly needing to be reassured things would be fine. A small smile rested on the goat's face, a warmth filling him.

He'll never truly understand why his minutesman made him feel so warm and smiley and just happy overall. He's never once felt this way for his friends, even close ones like Tommy. This was a new feeling he never really felt. Who knows... It was nice, and he enjoyed feeling it whenever he was around them.

He heard a small chirp from them, and the warmth only blossomed as a smile grew onto his lips. God.. They were so adorable...


Tubbo caught the thought almost immediately, and he blinked. Where did that come from? Strange.

He shook himself of thinking such thoughts, and he just continued lying. He should be getting up to finish some paperwork, but lying with the taller was so nice, and a few more minutes wouldn't hurt....

But he has to check how long he's been asleep...

But laying for a few more wouldn't hurt....

He debated back and forth for a while. On one hand, it was nice to be surrounded with such warmth after barely even getting any in god knows how long - probably since Tommy got.... He narrowed his eyes at thought and got into thinking of the other half. On the other hand, he's a president with important duties that really need to get done.

After he finished, he settled on waiting until the half ender woke up to base when he got up. In the meantime, he'll just quietly watch them asleep - not because he liked liked them, of course. Only because he wanted to see when they'll wake up... And besides, he didn't have much else to do.

After what seemed like a blink of an eye - which was more like 10 minutes - he saw them finally making sign of waking up, and he quickly panicked, pretending to have been asleep. He heard them make a small groaning noise before feeling them jump in his arms. They must've realized that they fell asleep with him. He then felt them carefully feel around for something with small murmurs, their tail tickling his nose a little.

Tubbo pretended to start waking up, faking a small little stretch as his eyes cracked open. He glanced up at them and god... god... They looked to be a beauty sent from wherever. He watched their face crack to worry and felt their comforting arms leave from his torso, hearing whispers of apologies from them. Tubbo had no choice but to remove his arms as well, untangling their legs as Ranboo stood up.

Tubbo sat up and yawned a little. "Wh' you apologizing for, bossman?" He asked, looking up at them. Ranboo stumbled over their words as they said, dipping their head. "F.. For falling asleep beside you. Uh.. It was accidental. A..And wouldn't- It won't happen again." Tubbo fought an affectionate smile from growing onto his face, hiding it as if he's itching his nose. "It's fine, Ranbo. I could care less. "

He noticed relief settle in their eyes, and they seemed almost.. reassured that this happened, but it left as soon as it came as they said, "I.. I should leave now. U.. Uhm. You... You seemed v..very busy before I came and I-" "You can stay if you want. I'm just doing paperwork, " Tubbo suggested, cutting the ender off.

"Y.. Are you sure?" Ranboo asked nervously, fidgeting with the sleeve of his button-up. Tubbo nodded, standing and doing a full big stretch. "Yeah. I don't mind the company. " He saw them nervously nod before he walked over to his desk and settled back down in the chair, watching them go sit in the sofa in the office.

"So. What brought you here in the first place?" Tubbo asked, beginning to look over the rest of the papers he had to complete. "O.. Oh. Uhm.." He heard Ranboo begin before hearing them shuffle around, a book being opened, and the pages being flipped through "Q..Quackity told me to.. to uhm.. pass you a message... Mentioned he.. he wanted to uhm.. have a family day w..with you s.. sometime."

"Oh?" Tubbo asked, looking up at Ranboo before forcing his attention on the papers "I wonder why.." He murmured to himself. Ranboo didn't seem to hear him when he heard them stutter out "Y..Yeah. H.. He told me that.. That he couldn't tell y..you straight on because uhm.. He.. He was busy collecting things.."

Tubbo nodded silently before saying "Tell him I said I wouldn't mind a family day" Ranboo nodded back "Will do.." He heard them take a hesitant step, stop for a while, and then their footsteps leave the room. Tubbo let out a small breath and glanced up, seeing they did, in fact, leave. He didn't mean that they should leave now, but he supposed it would be good considering what his thoughts were this morning.

He shook his head and decided that pretending it didn't happen. That he woke up without those thoughts and he was just glad to wake up beside his friend. He went back to completing paperwork until late into the night again, falling asleep at his desk unknowingly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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