-mention of underage drinking---
Ranboo parked in front of a house, music blasting loudly from inside.They huffed tiredly, seeing a small boy stumble from inside the house. They didn't know why they keep on bothering to drive home drunk friends anymore.
Especially Tubbo.
This was their third time driving him home this week and it wasn't even tuesday yet. They unlocked the door and the boy climbed in the passenger seat, slamming the door shut behind him. They locked the door and made sure he put on his seatbelt before driving off.
It was quiet between the two boys - a thick silence in the air. Ranboo could smell alcohol on Tubbo's clothes. They glanced over to the boy, seeing he was sitting straight, hands curled in his lap. His mind was wandering it seems.
Ranboo looked away, eyes back on the road. They gently tapped thier fingers on the wheel, trying to create at least some kind of noise. They really didn't want to ask Tubbo about the party because they could only guess how many people got drunk. Besides.. Tubbo seemed tired so it wouldn't be much of a detailed conversation.
Tubbo leaned over and flicked on the radio, the thick silence killing him. He never did enjoy the quiet. It always made things uncomfortable. There was so many thoughts buzzing within his mind, eyes glancing over at the driver.
He could tell they were tired of constantly driving him home, but it was the only escape he had. School was exhausting and was so extremely shitty.
Especially the kids.
Sneaking off to parties and getting drunk out of his mind seemed more interesting. It helped delay his worries until a sober day.
He saw Ranboo glance over at him and he quickly looked away. He'd been staring again. He stared down at his hands on his hands, a firm frown on his lips. He was trying to focus on the quiet music playing from the radio. Another song about falling in love or whatever.
Ranboo switched the station, not in the mood to listen to love songs. They were... tired from the topic. It seemed all the stations wanted love songs, so they shut off the radio, the thick silence coming back. They wanted to say something, but they were... scared. Scared that if they said the wrong thing, something bad would happen...
They breathed out softly, gaining Tubbo's attention. They could feel his eyes on them, burning into thier skin. They eventually pulled to a red light, the red shining through the windshield. They looked over at Tubbo and both boys stared at each other for a while, quietly communicating.
They needed to talk. And they both knew that, but neither boy had the confidence to discuss the topic. One being drunk and both being a coward would be the problem. Eventually Ranboo opened thier mouth to speak "Tubbo... We need to-"
"The light's green." Tubbo said, looking away. Tubbo had grown defensive. Ranboo could see it - hell anyone could.
Ranboo stared at Tubbo for a minute before turning back towards the road ahead and driving off. This will be harder than expected... Tubbo really did want to talk, but it was awkward. Discussing a topic as private as it is.. talking about it while the boy's drunk too... Things that shouldn't be said would be spoken on accident.
He went back to looking over the taller man, eyes flickering up and down as he studied thier body language. They were tense, nervous even. Their back was straight, thier grip on the wheel tight. If they weren't driving, their legs would be shaking a ton.
Their eyes were fixed straight on the road, a tight frown on their lips as their mind was elsewhere. They most likely were thinking about the topic they both so heavily needed to discuss. The topic of-
Ranboo came to a sudden stop, parking next to the curb. "We're here" They breathed, hands lifting from the wheel and going to rest on thier lap. They didn't turn towards Tubbo yet. They were still staring at the road.
Tubbo didn't make a move to leave either. He'd been slowly sobering up along the drive and now... he was only co-conscious. Both boys sat in silence, only noise being the quiet humming of the engine.
Ranboo was waiting for Tubbo to leave, but he didn't. Meaning that... either boy will need to crack and speak.. Ranboo looked over at Tubbo, both boys making eye contact once more. Ranboo whispered, scared that if they spoke louder, it would shatter this "So.." "So..." Tubbo only whispered back.
Ranboo swallowed hard. Why were they getting nervous..? "We really need to talk..." Ranboo spoke, picking at the skin around thier nails. Tubbo narrowed his eyes before meeting Ranboo's eyes once more "I know.." "I don't know how to approach this..." Ranboo breathed out, looking away. Tubbo hummed out a quiet agreement.
Ranboo let out a breath "You... need to stop, Tubbo.." Tubbo sighed "I didn't want a lecture" Ranboo looked down at thier hands before sighing as well "I know you don't... but.. it's true. You.. You need to stop going out drinking as much as you do. I'm not always going to be available to.. to drive you home when you're extremely intoxicated from parties that you always seem to 'accidentally stumble upon'"
They glanced up to see Tubbo's reaction and saw he was deadpanned. It looked like he didn't care.. He was dissociating himself to not listen to Ranboo's lecturing. Ranboo sighed softly, laying a hand on the smaller boy's shoulder "Tubbo.. please.. I'm worried about you.."
They took his face with thier other hand, making him look them in the eye. They could see he was still dead panned. They frowned slightly and just... pulled him into a hug. Tubbo didn't react to the hug.
Eventually Tubbo shoved Ranboo away gently and started getting out of the car "I should go.." Ranboo watched him go quietly, stumbling to his front door and struggle to grab his keys. Once he got them, he slid them into the door and walked in, shutting the door behind him quietly.
Ranboo sat there for a little bit, resting thier forehead on the wheel gently. Why couldn't Tubbo understand that he was worrying everyone around him...? They eventually turned the car into drive and started driving off, a small frown on thier lips. Maybe tomorrow... Maybe they could convince him tomorrow...

bee duo (one shots book)
Fanfiction[art by: @inkcube_ on twitter] hello and welcome! a few quick notes: -these characters do not belong to me -smvt WILL NOT be written as it's heavily against both of their boundaries -i can turn down requests if I'm uncomfortable -alot of these cha...