[happy birthday]<fluff>

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god. guys. these past live streams.. and now the idea of a season two. god.

i'm so excited and i just finished watching tubbo's finale stream. i might make a chapter or two for it, but for now have some prewritten chapters.

how did you guys feel about it ending? i was a tad bit disappointed in how tommy's lore ended, but that's how he did it and i'm quietly hoping someone writes a different ending and we all accept that as canon and not whatever the hell just happened. good luck to those who haven't watched it yet.

i love you all.

enjoy the one shot <3


Ranboo stared at the box in their hand quietly, a low whine errupting from their throat. It was Tubbo's birthday and they had to bake a cake, except - wuh oh! they don't know how to bake a cake.

They would ask Tommy but they're sure he'll put mud in and they felt consantly asking Niki for favors because she already made all this food for the picnic they were planning and they just.. They needed to do this.

They carried the box around, grabbing random supplies as well as things they could assume were to decorate the top of the cake because they knew birthday cakes usually have that.

Okay. Okay! Now it's time to.. bake the cake.....

They opened the box and pulled out the bag full of powder, looking at the directions quietly. Okay. So. This is supposed to be poured into a bowl. They set it down and glanced around.


Where did Tubbo put the bowls?

They were stuck standing for a while, unable to recall the location of the bowls.


They were gonna look through all the drawers but they'll make a mess of the kitchen and they didn't want Tubbo to clean it all up because it's his birthday and- they let out another whine.


They stared at the counter. What if they.... They could make the cake batter on the counter... Just be wary to not spill the batter onto the floor... They ripped open the bag and went to pour it on the counter before they were jumpscared by someone's voice shouting "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Ranboo turned around and smiled awkwardly, aggressively trying to hide all the things behind them as their cheeks burned purple at their buff short husband "Hi Tubbo........." Tubbo raised an eyebrow and walked over "What are you doing?" Ranboo grinned sheepishly "Nothin' " They batted their eyelashes and continued grinning.

Tubbo blinked, staring at the counter "Are you... making cake...?" Ranboo shook their head "Nooooooooo..?" Tubbo stared at them blankly "Ranboo." Ranboo only smiled back "Tubbo." Tubbo sighed "Where are the bowls?" Ranboo smiled "Somewhere...."

Tubbo looked at them quietly "D.. Do you just. Not know where the bowls are?" Ranboo nodded "Yep." Tubbo spoke again "Where were you gonna mix the batter..?" Ranboo stared directly at the counter and Tubbo held fear in his eyes "Why are you mAKING A MESS OF MY KITCHEN" He bonked Ranboo and they let out a yelp, stepping from the counter.

Tubbo ripped the apron from Ranboo and tied it around himself "Why are you making a cake?" Ranboo pouted, watching from behind him "It was for your birthday :(" Tubbo shook his head "Why are you making a cake?" Ranboo murmured "I felt bad asking Niki to make it so i was gonna make it"

Tubbo sighed and kissed their jaw "Stupid ass. Fine. You can make the cake yourself, BUT I'm watching over you because knowing you, you'll get glass into the cake" Ranboo smiled warmly "Yayyyy"

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